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Looking for a new rta single coil better than the Dvarw DL FL?!


Jun 11, 2024
Hello All,

I was looking for a new RTA, my favourite atomiser at this point is the Dvarw DL FL but I was looking for something new. I was looking around and the Cabeo seems interesting but I am not sure if in aroma and also in airflow can match the Dvarw DL FL.
I do like a DL draw nice and open, I do have a Taifun GT4 but for me the Dvarw is still better both in flavour, airflow and simplicity, I was thinking to buy a second Dvarw but before do it I did prefer to ask here to see if there is something different that can be looked :)

I rather doubt that the Cabeo would satisfy you as it is far more of a restricted RDL then a Dvarw DL RTA. Also, worth thinking about, how you actually vape? The Cabeo has an unfortunate habit IF you tend to Purge when taking a draw, i.e. (blow out prior to taking a draw). The Airflow is on the top of the Cabeo and many have been caught out by this, burning their lips or noses. Provided you DON'T do that, the flavour is superb, BUT it isn't as airy as a Dvarw DL. @Albertino :)
I rather doubt that the Cabeo would satisfy you as it is far more of a restricted RDL then a Dvarw DL RTA. Also, worth thinking about, how you actually vape? The Cabeo has an unfortunate habit IF you tend to Purge when taking a draw, i.e. (blow out prior to taking a draw). The Airflow is on the top of the Cabeo and many have been caught out by this, burning their lips or noses. Provided you DON'T do that, the flavour is superb, BUT it isn't as airy as a Dvarw DL. @Albertino :)
Thanks Rob, just looking at it I imagine it wasn't exactly super open but the idea is super cool!
I do not crazy with watts, usually I stay around 40/45 watts, normal fused claption at 0.40ohm, nothing too exotic but I do like to have some airflow when I vape.

I do not do the purge I never understood the need of it, do you have any other suggestion?
Hi @ Albertino :)
I love the Atmizoo AER especially. It covers ALL the bases from a Tight MTl through to a True Direct Lung. Others are also very pleased with the Tripod2.
Hi @ Albertino :)
I love the Atmizoo AER especially. It covers ALL the bases from a Tight MTl through to a True Direct Lung. Others are also very pleased with the Tripod2.
This seems very interesting, I left Atmizoo after the Tripod that I did not like at all, I remember I had a beautiful mechanical tube the Roller it was called, very good stuff and I used to pair it with the Russian 91%, talking about prehistoric stuff!

The Aer seems very interesting, probably with the extension kit, if you ever tried it the airflow without any pin at 5mm is very very open?

Thanks for the help Rob!
Yes... Once! It was insane!! :lol1::lol1:
I now run it with either the 2.5 Pin or the 3.0 depending on what Juice I'm using. I vape at a lower wattage to you, usually 27 or 27 watts.
Yes... Once! It was insane!! :lol1::lol1:
I now run it with either the 2.5 Pin or the 3.0 depending on what Juice I'm using. I vape at a lower wattage to you, usually 27 or 27 watts.
Mate I am not even half a day in this forum, I already bought some liquids advised here and I am thinking to take the Aer now 🤣🤣🤣

It does look good and I like the 24mm more on my alley, just looking at couple of review probably I will use without pin, sorry if I stress you but for me airflow is so important, if you tried the Dvarw DL with the 2.5 airflow how does compare? Thanks again man!
I love Dvarws :) but the AER takes everything to a totally different level. :)
I love Dvarws :) but the AER takes everything to a totally different level. :)
Rob at the end my finger slips this morning and the monkey has been made happy. 🤣 🐒
Just took the AER from SR Vapes plus the extension glass kit (2ml is just too little for me), I read and check many reviews other than your and this one seems a great one, I am so curious to try it!
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