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Looking for new dual 18650 mod


May 20, 2016
Started on a evic mini and really like it but finding myself longing for a dual mod for home and car use and relegating the evic mini to out and about/work use. Not looking to spend a lot as there are so many now in the sub 60 price bracket.

Really like the look of the arctic dolphin 200w but the lake of ss316 in tc would be a deal breaker.

The vaporesso tarot looks like it does everything i want and i really like the appearance but cannot find many reviews on it.

The cuboid looks to get lots of praise however i just really dislike the looks of it.

Snowwolf looks perfect but again i believe no ss wire support. Any others I should consider?
Can anyone give me info on the vaporesso tarot?
IPV3 li ? there's a bargain one in the classies at the mo. I've had mine for over a year and never misses a beat. switching to temp control is manual so no issues with the wire type. lots of wraps / cases too if the look turns you off
Started on a evic mini and really like it but finding myself longing for a dual mod for home and car use and relegating the evic mini to out and about/work use. Not looking to spend a lot as there are so many now in the sub 60 price bracket.

if you're mainly happy with the mini, do you really need all that extra power? will you use it?
I've got the rx200 and and cuboid but the way I vape means I rarely go above 40w.
so........ I got myself an eleaf TC100W. it runs on parallel rather than series and this means the battery life is great!
okay, it only goes up to 100W (rumour has it this might go up to 120w with a firmware update) but 100W is more than enough for me.
and at £33 from our chinese friends, I reckon that's a bargain!
Sigelei 213w? Incredibly small for a duel 18650. Got one on order and impatiently waiting on it from gearbest. Wish I'd just bought one from my local B&M now.
Thanks for the suggestions so far. Reason i want a larger mod is mainly for battery life. Like most vapers i dont really need more that 50-60 watts of power but that kills batteries on a single batt mod.

Interesting suggestion for the eleaf 100wtc. Any others like that that run in paralel like that?
+1 for the istick tc100. Doesn't feel "too" big but battery life all day and then some.
What about the Joyetech VTwo? t's basically a VTC mini with a 5000 mAh LiPo. Might still be only preorder at the moment though.
Asmodus minikin love mine and is setup for battery life. + looks much better than most bricks.
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