@Gitchy said above Molinberry Funky Pineapple is very good and so is Vape Trains Sugarloaf Pineapple which is my favourite especially when I mix the two together. FLV has a new Sweet Mango that is supposed to be excellent, I have just ordered it myself. Inawera Shisha Strawberry and their Raspberry Malina are very good as is their Pineapple. Wonder Flavors Island Mango is a cracker as is Jungle Flavors Honey Peach. SSA Raspberry Syrup and their Compote Cherry have great reviews. TPA Peanut Butter DX is better than their standard PB because it doesn’t fade. Vape Trains coconuts are both great as is FLV Sweet Coconut. I could go on but I don’t want to overwhelm you lol.