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Looking to make easy liquid that doesn’t need steeping


Jul 17, 2018
Hi all,
Since lockdown finished, the store I go to never lets you try before you buy now
I am looking for an easy recipe, probably 2 flavours which does not need steeping
Something strawberry would be nice
I welcome your advice, thanks
I use https://decadentvapours.com/ - they specifically claim
There is no need to steep the e-liquid, simply add the three bottles to the mixing bottle (plus a dash of a mixer if you wish) and give it a shake. Hey Presto! You have 30ml of your preferred e-liquid, ready to vape!
Can't say I've noticed any difference between a freshly made batch vs 1 that's been sitting around for 2 months
Strawberry kiwi is my fave flavor lately. I used the one from vampire and didnt let it steep before using. Only gave it a good shake and used it like an hour after
Mix 0.3 ml PG and 0.3 ml VG. Add 1 ml strawberry, 0.5 ml blueberry, and 0.2 ml vanilla. Mix the shake well. Your flavor is ready!
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