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Loose Drip Tip


Oct 29, 2013
I've had my Aspire Davide BCC for less than a week. It is my first clearo with a removeable drip tip. It was slightly wobbly right out the packet but I thought this may be normal. After finishing my first tank of juice I decided to take it apart, clean, and try a different juice. Since then it is so loose that it falls out if I turn it upside down. I have to hold it on when I vape. There are 2 o rings on the DT which are both still on OK. There are 2 sizes of spare o's but not the right size for the DT. I currently have electrical tape wrapped round it which is far from ideal. Any ideas?
@mattwright27 i got various driptips .some fit some atty`s others dont ...try removing the o-ring wrap some cotton in the groove then refit the oring ..might tighten the fit up ..just a bodge but might work
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got this on a few attys and drippers too where the so called standard 510 arent so standard. some are slightly loose and some pretty much dont fit at all . the one on my davide is loose in everything else so can only assume its a fraction bigger. really could do with buying several more drip tips in the hope i get a few that will fit rather than having to keep swapping around. must admit too i do prefer the straight ones and ming shaped. i have a few ridged metal ones ( came with my IGo's ) and really cant stand the feel of them in the mouth.
Take the o ring off, wrap a couple of inches of dental floss into the groove to pad it out and them replace the o ring. Works for me.
I have the same Problem on my Davides, A bit of Plumbers Tape or PTFE If you want to be technical and then put the o ring back on makes it nice and snug!!!:thumbup:
Thanks for the tips. At least I know that it's not just a fault with mine. I'll try and sort it tonight and if it doesn't work I'll get the super glue out.
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