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Loose taste after my first toot?


Aug 13, 2013
Okay I'm using a bodge 510 carto

Got some snake oil in the post today

First toot amazing citrus on the way in coolness and aniseed on the way out great but after nothing! I can taste slight citrus but that's all!

Also got lemonade flavour juice again first toot an exact match to lemonade but after not really anything!

What am I doing wrong? Could it be my taste buds aren't performing well as Ive only just started vaping?
I find a similar thing, but I've never had great taste buds. I find that I change juices quite frequently, I always have a minimum of 3 juices on the go and swop over after a few minutes. Don't know if that helps..... I'm sure someone else will come along with other thoughts!
I don't know how long it is since you smoked but most people who switch find their taste buds do some weird stuff after years of dealing with tar and the other nasties. After a while they seem to rejuvenate and your sense of taste will improve.
However I can also say from my own experience that if I vape one flavour for too long my taste buds go on strike and i cant seem to taste it anymore. I also get bored and need a bit of variety
Seems a bit too soon for vaper's tongue though.

May be worth trying something other than a carto? e.g. an Evod, or an iClear 16/Vivi Nova if you prefer a warmer vape. Or better still a dripper.
their taste buds do some weird stuff after years of dealing with tar and the other nasties.

I'm the same as Mark, happily vaping away on me fav. pino colada, then bang no taste and have to change flavor, or attie type.
it could be a dud cartos too.

i had the same problem , boges are so unrealiable is ridiculous . one will last a few weeks , others blow after your first vape.
I have had the same thing with clearo's but since I got into dripping atomizers I haven't had a problem. No other atty's I've tried come anywhere near close to the experience of dripping imo.
I have a few clearos that I will try with them tbh the tropic thunder lemonade and the snake oil are all tasting the same at the minute.
I was using tjuice high voltage all the time before this on a clearo it tastes like tunes and it never faded
If you quickly swap to another juice does it work then?

I'm wondering if there's a problem with the battery, tailing off after the first vape
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