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Loose taste after my first toot?

If you quickly swap to another juice does it work then?

I'm wondering if there's a problem with the battery, tailing off after the first vape

Yeah If I swap the juice I can taste it, using low res boge on only an ego battery could this be my problem?

I have a smoktech sid on the way!
it could be the Carto i always find they Mute the taste i use BCC clearo like a protank 2 or Evod or Dripping for the full on taste
I don't know how long it is since you smoked but most people who switch find their taste buds do some weird stuff after years of dealing with tar and the other nasties. After a while they seem to rejuvenate and your sense of taste will improve.
However I can also say from my own experience that if I vape one flavour for too long my taste buds go on strike and i cant seem to taste it anymore. I also get bored and need a bit of variety
In total agreement with that, after a while I lose the flavour of whatever I am on and it just tastes burnt and harsh, swap flavours and the taste buds re-awaken, but come the next day, what tasted burnt and harsh is now bursting with flavour and sweetness once more. Loads of stuff tastes and smells different since I gave up the roll-ups in early June. Don't like tobacco flavours anymore, which I find very odd.
Given that you're currently using an ego battery an Igo L might be a bit big. I like my Yada dripper from Stealthvape.co.uk, it has adjustable airflow and should look good on an ego
Given that you're currently using an ego battery an Igo L might be a bit big. I like my Yada dripper from Stealthvape.co.uk, it has adjustable airflow and should look good on an ego

I have a smoktech sid on order though and arriving soon! :)
Maybe an Igo-L in that case - don't forget to order some silica wick and kanthal as well though. Probably 3mm wick and .2 kanthal, although I find it easier to use kanthal ribbon.
Maybe an Igo-L in that case - don't forget to order some silica wick and kanthal as well though. Probably 3mm wick and .2 kanthal, although I find it easier to use kanthal ribbon.

Ordered an Igo L will put in an order for wick and wire tomorrow also ordered a number of juices from vape king oops I can see how this gets addictive,! :)
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