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Lose weight vaping


Jul 11, 2012
Story about Solar Cigarettes.....and their claims.

Could you really lose weight with these?
Available in 0mg, 8mg, 11mg and 16mg.
At £2.40 a cartomizer sold in packs of 5 for £12. Also it seems the cartridges will only work on their cig-a-likes.

One person has made a review on their site saying he got the starter kit last week and he can already see the difference in his weight.....hmmm....

Flavored cartridges, along with electronic cigarette, make up the latest trends in smoking. However, it's not just because they are modern that smokers are raving about them. They actually make smoking a much healthier habit. And for that Solar Cigarette is highly recommending the use of its own electric cigarette and flavored cartridges to all those who are into smoking cigarette.

Many already experienced the benefits of electronic cigarettes. Even celebrity smokers as Katherine Heigl spoke about using it. Many of the stars who are into the habit or trying to quit it were also snapped puffing the device instead of the cancer sticks.

Know The Celebrities Who Already Switched to Electronic Cigarette

The fact that ecigarettes are much safer than real cigarettes is basically the reason why more smokers are now switching to the use of it. But what is it that makes the device safer?

Well, basically, it is the absence of tobacco that makes the use of ecig safer than cancer sticks. Instead of burning tobacco, electronic cigarette works by heating up an ecig juice. This way, no smoke full of carcinogen is produced. Hence, smokers and non-smokers are spared from taking in elements that can cause cancer and other health problems.

However, of all the electronic cigarettes available today, Solar Cigarette believes that its own is a cut above the others. More than the regular health benefits of the device, its ecigarette, also called Solar Cigarette, has more to give.

Grab Your Own Solar Cigarette Today

Besides reducing the risk of developing major and minor illnesses, the device also helps smokers lose weight. And to those who are into the habit but are concerned about gaining weight after giving up cigarettes, it makes a perfect help.

Just recently, the company also released its three new sets of cartridge packages for a more enjoyable and even healthier use of electronic cigarette. With the three sets namely “Bold and Classic,” “Sweet and Seductive” and “Fountain of Youth,” the company made sure that every smoker will have a cartridge that will suit his or her taste.

Nonetheless, of the three sets, Solar Cigarette highly recommends the use of the cartridges under the “Fountain of Youth” to those who want to get more health benefits from a smokeless cigarette. But to smoking mothers particularly, the company believes that the Ginseng Cartridge Pack is the best.

As one of the most beneficial flavors, the Ginseng Cartridge Pack helps reduce the effects of stress, improve performance, and enhance memory. It also helps stimulate the immune system.

Good grief.

Does ginseng have a flavour?

And this is "said to ...dissolve tumours" .
Has anyone passed this information to the NHS? This could be groundbreaking

Vitamin B pack, coenzyme Q10 pack? Are these vitamins ingested through the mouth and lungs? They would appear suspect claims to me

As for losing weight I've put it on since switching from fags which I put down to enjoying my food more since my taste buds recovered!
While I am not sure it is possible. Nicotine does suppress the appetite. SteelJan (famous Youtube Reviewer) often says in her reviews on juice or items she has bought, that she doesn't vape because of smoking, that she picked it up for dieting.

However, I do think that it is a sorry way to get people to vape.
Gingseng tastes rooty....kinda like mentholly rootbeer sort of taste...

Hard to explain but ye it has a strong flavour.

But I think some of the benefits come from ingesting it....not sure it would work buy vaping it! Its completely different!

As for the tumour claims....pfft!
Everyone knows Lemsip is better!
Blah Blah Blah.....' boosts energy...blah blah..transforms softer younger looking skin...blah blah...makes you a cuppa every morning blah blah'.

Unfortunately a whole lot of naive people will be taken in by the superficial ad-speak, and wow.....celebrities love it.

Reminds me of the old Marlboro ads. Turn yourself into a hunk of a cowboy by inhaling cancerous smoke and tar.
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