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Making shortfills into nic salts


Jun 1, 2022
Hello guys,

So just recently got a new pod system - OXVA Vprime.

Been vaping on and off for at least 5 years now. In the past was never a fan of vaping sweet juices so got into NETs and RTAs. Recently started on sweeter fruity juices and actually enjoying it now. Been nearly 3 months without a fag.

My favourite juice now is the Grape berry burst by Nexus pod salts.

Here is my question. Will buying the Nexus Grape berry burst but in shortfill version and adding 20ml of 72mg Nic salt in 100Pg make it pretty much the same as the nic salt version? I know the ratio will be more like 60vg by doing that. I mean flavourwise.

In the long run this seems like my best option money wise but worried it won't taste the same.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
If it is a 100ml shortfill, with room to add 20ml more, you will end up with 120ml of around 12% nic.
As for the flavour, suck it and see. 😊
If it is a 100ml shortfill, with room to add 20ml more, you will end up with 120ml of around 12% nic.
As for the flavour, suck it and see. 😊
Thanks buddy, yeah the nic levels I calculated. Was more curious if it will taste similarily or would the same flavoured liquids by same brand be mixed at different flavour concentrations. Thanks anyway
Thanks buddy, yeah the nic levels I calculated. Was more curious if it will taste similarily or would the same flavoured liquids by same brand be mixed at different flavour concentrations. Thanks anyway

It should taste the same, as the same concentrate level should be in the shortfill, the quality of the nic salts is maybe where any difference ( if any) is noticed, along with the vg/pg ratios, should be slight, but you may notice.
It should taste the same, as the same concentrate level should be in the shortfill, the quality of the nic salts is maybe where any difference ( if any) is noticed, along with the vg/pg ratios, should be slight, but you may notice.
Yeah the vg pg ratio I'm not worried about. If I'm doing the calculations right I should end up with roughly 60vg by adding 20ml of 100pg nic salts into my shortfill. It will work better on the vprime pod I think. Ah well, I'll order the shortfill and see what happens. Worst case scenario it will end up in the bin 😂 thanks
I don't know if anybody will still see my message. After half a day of thinking about it, here is what I really meant.

Would a shortfill with the 72mg nic salt made up to 60vg 12mg nic salt be as flavourfull as premade nic salt 10ml on low wattage device. As I either use the mentioned Vprime with the MTL POD at maybe 14 watts or Oxva Xlim at 12ohm.

Thanks again
Most 10ml bottles are 50/50 - If you mix at different to that you may affect the sweetness to some extent. Whether you can detect that though??
Provided the added nic is no more than the 20ml (for 100ml shortfill), the flavour shouldn’t get diluted, so should be similar. Nic is pretty much tasteless so that shouldn’t affect the overall flavour.
End of the day though, only you will be able to judge the final mix.
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