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Manc meet 23rd April

Life doesn't mean a thing to me without a mirror.
Anyway. You been sat in the pub all afternoon while I've been grafting my bollocks off at Preston college?
Reading and writing up to scratch now ?
Right. If anybody wants a quality meal later this is just over the road laterally. And I get discount. The menu is excellent. (I know for some reason) even a pussed @3dj like the food. The first table is the one 3dj has fond memories of. Please ask him why.
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Right. If anybody wants a quality meal later this is just over the road laterally. And I get discount. The menu is excellent. (I know for some reason) even a pussed @3dj like the food. The first table is the one 3dj has fond memories of. Please ask him why.
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Do not ask me why peeps.
I'll give you a clue though. It's a bit like Cluedo.
It was the wife, in the cellar with a dagger, and I'm not Reverend Green.
Looking forward to this, if this bloody week of work ever ends.

Are we doing raffles or anything? Just seeing if I have anything to throw in the pot.
I'm back in UK earlier but due to work I won't be attending :( have a good one lads and lady's :)
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