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Manc meet 23rd April

The meets mate, I haven't been to one yet was going to try and get up to the next one
Somehow I don't think the wife would appreciate that, not sure she would give me permission at the moment. Working away at the moment means weekends are the only family time we have. Will definitely be going to VapeFest though, the wife may even join me, although I can guarantee she won't like it and will just moan all day!
Somehow I don't think the wife would appreciate that, not sure she would give me permission at the moment. Working away at the moment means weekends are the only family time we have. Will definitely be going to VapeFest though, the wife may even join me, although I can guarantee she won't like it and will just moan all day!

Took my mrs 9 month old at the time and dog year before last,she didnt moan too much at the time but swore never again-result ;)
Having read through these threads, I have to ask, @city461 are you @3dj's carer? :D:D:D
He was well behaved last night till almost the last knockings. Went west a bit in the curry house where he lost his beloved drip tip. The sight of him on his hands and knees searching for said drip tip with a popadom on his back will last a while.
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so my decking needed ripping up, and I needed an atty stand. So in honour of the Manc meets I present the decking atty stand!
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