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Manchester Vapers!

Can someone bring some tools? Tweezers and stuff?
Will bring a coil master full kit... If there's anything that's not in it you may need let me know..
s Coil-Master-Kit-Ohm-Reader-uk-moonvapez.png
Well I'm a scouser who will be in a Manchester bar, at the time of the city vs Liverpool football game.
So I've got an elocution lesson tonight and will wear a stabvest just incase I'm rumbled [emoji106]
And I am a City fan...Stab vests pretty much ancient history round here now they got hold of Ebola spray...
Well I'm a scouser who will be in a Manchester bar, at the time of the city vs Liverpool football game.
So I've got an elocution lesson tonight and will wear a stabvest just incase I'm rumbled [emoji106]
In manchester we call lollyices 'lollies' and traineeeeeeeeeeeeeez trainers......and Im sure there's a no shellsuit/perm/moustache policy on most of the pubs in manchester.
In manchester we call lollyices 'lollies' and traineeeeeeeeeeeeeez trainers......and Im sure there's a no shellsuit/perm/moustache policy on most of the pubs in manchester.
Big aussie stlye tash is more than welcome in Dukes..
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