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Mark bugs wooden mod seems to be drying out


Jul 9, 2016
So this mod is getting very dry I've always waxed it but it seems to be shrinking around the door area. Any tips to get this nice again.
in short no not really

no such thing as stabilized hardwood or bog wood or dogwood etc I pressured a block for 2 months at 160 psi to test and the resin it only went in 5mm due to the fact a hardwood has no air holes for the resin to go into only really rotten loose wood can be stabilized.

that looks like a purple heart or a spalted semi-hardwood you could try a fine oil to make the wood expand a little but what has happened is the wood has dried out completely say to -8% water content which means it was about 20% when it was made, wood being a live thing will expand and contract but add hand moisture, environment and what the water content was when you start making means the mod will move about
in short no not really

no such thing as stabilized hardwood or bog wood or dogwood etc I pressured a block for 2 months at 160 psi to test and the resin it only went in 5mm due to the fact a hardwood has no air holes for the resin to go into only really rotten loose wood can be stabilized.

that looks like a purple heart or a spalted semi-hardwood you could try a fine oil to make the wood expand a little but what has happened is the wood has dried out completely say to -8% water content which means it was about 20% when it was made, wood being a live thing will expand and contract but add hand moisture, environment and what the water content was when you start making means the mod will move about
Cheers Stu
Will try some oils to see if that stops the door rattleing about. I havnt a clue what the wood is though.
If you either have some, or can find some, Gun Stock Oil might just help a little bit. ;)
@Rob @vapesmarter
So got some original gun stock conditioning oil from amazon and gave it a go. Wiped it well all over (left it for a day) and the wood has amazingly grew. All the gaps have gone and once polished ,it has never looked better. The tiny gap around the battery cover has disappeared and getting zero rattles. It was like wetting the grain of the wood to make it swell . Very pleased with this. Thanks guys bloody tiptop :2thumbsup:
no worries pure wood mods need a lot more care and attention glad you fixed him.....but now don't over oil him as it will be like a wet fish
no worries pure wood mods need a lot more care and attention glad you fixed him.....but now don't over oil him as it will be like a wet fish
I don't know what to do with that. So will leave well alone. Another week of abstentions then.
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