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May we have a PG-free subforum?

You make a good case, @jay2. You've identified a genuine need and worth for such a forum. Fortunately the boss agreed that immediately, so hopefully it will come to fruition and be successful. Perhaps you should be the moderator of it so you can keep it all tidy as a resource. If PG-free vaping becomes as common as you predict, it will be nice that POTV is seen (by Google) as its home for relevant info.
as regards the MTL vaping forum idea:

Actually I'm an MTL vaper myself, would somewhat appreciate an MTL subforum, and agree with the observation that strict MTL vapers considerably outnumber strict PG-free vapers, and that the sub forum would probably be more active, for that reason. Though we really shoudld be wary of making assumpions based on numbers alone. Almost all of us have two legs. How much activity woulld a " two-legged vapers" forum get?

I'm banging on about a PG free subforum, because there's a much greater need for a specific PG-free forum, IMO. If I'm looking for MTL-specific information , I can google the term "MTL vaping " and get gadzillions of appropriate results. I just tried the same for PG free. Even on this forum' s search engine, i got a load of results featuring the term "smoke free" instead. (yeah, yeah, I expect vaping to be smoke free, goddammit.) Bleedin' typical.

MTL is acceptable to search engines as a word, because it has three letters in it, not two. But anyway, I don't find that preferring MTL seriously affects my choice of juice or anything (jexcept inasmuch as it excludes the stupidly low nicotine4 content of some of 'em) so I rarely find reason to talk about MTL vaping specifically, nor to search for information on MTL vendors (the majority of hardware vendors do cater for MTL, after all ). That is, my personal ned for an MTL subforum is minimal. Not sure I'd trouble to post on it. I appreciate that others might appreciate it more, but they can't lay claim to having tg the same problems as regards research and communication.

I think this whole forum would pull in more PG free vapers if it had a PG free subforum. I , for one, would have hung around a lot more, and posted a lot more if i'd ever found such a thing here. As it is , I've flitted from forum to forum , never settling anywhere, and I've learned to be largely self-sufficient when it comes to tracking down appropriate juices I've got to know about a number of PG-free brands and if I want to know what orthers have to say about those products, I Google the brand name, and find a thread on some random forum , I'd soner start my own threads about some PG-free issues, but I don't feel that's a worthwhile thing to do, not withouty a dedicated subforum to post them in. And I rarel;y respond on the threads I find. because it's just too much troubl;e remembering my log-in details for so many different fora. And, If I want to know if there any new PG-free products on the market, weeell, I'm unlikely to find out , but I'll spend hours scratching around for them when the mood takes me.

So, I've started thinking to myself: maybe I can persuade one of these fora to give me me a reason to hang around? and all the others like me , however many or few. I settled for POTV because, over the years, it's proved to my favourite forum to dip into for information , though I only actually posted here once (until a week or two back) .

My point is: this is something that's very badly needed by those of us who need it. If you're gonna play a nunbers game with this, it's like comparing the value of modern poetry with Mills and Boon romance, purely on the basis of sales, or the value of a wheelchair with the value of an armchair. You might easily make a rock solid case for Mills and Boon over poetry, but it misses the point.
I think this is a good idea and you should take it on! Clarify differences between PG intolerance, allergy and adverse reactions etc and provide info on DIY stuff. Good ideas.
You make a good case, @jay2. You've identified a genuine need and worth for such a forum. Fortunately the boss agreed that immediately, so hopefully it will come to fruition and be successful. Perhaps you should be the moderator of it so you can keep it all tidy as a resource. If PG-free vaping becomes as common as you predict, it will be nice that POTV is seen (by Google) as its home for relevant info.
Thanks, Mr Numpty :) And Rukaguy :)

@Rukaguy: like Mr Numpty said, the boss already agreed! Immediately! So I don't really need to justify it, you might say. But, then again, I don't want people to feel that constitutes favouritism towards one particular minority, or anything like that . Some people were raising objections along those lines, after all. So I feel that it's worthwhile explaining the logic behind it, for everybody elese's satisfaction...err, insofar as that's humanly possible (now I put it like that, it sounds really dumb. *chuckle* )
@jay2 I'm a MTL vaper, but am happy with the general forums and clubhouse thread - you do make a good case and I can see a need for a couple of stickies at the top of a 'PG Free' sub-forum that could list good PG-free hardware and juices? You sound the perfect candidate to get thet up and running if you do get the sub-forum? ;)
@jay2 I'm a MTL vaper, but am happy with the general forums and clubhouse thread - you do make a good case and I can see a need for a couple of stickies at the top of a 'PG Free' sub-forum that could list good PG-free hardware and juices? You sound the perfect candidate to get thet up and running if you do get the sub-forum? ;)
Thanks, crewella :)
Hmm, I don't think anyone accused me of being perfect before *chuckle*
But I wouldn't mind creating a couple of appropriate stickies, if allowed. It would be pretty churlish of me to take the free gift and not do anything to help, hmm?
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