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Mech Mods and PCB Protector - Essential???


Nov 13, 2013
Evening all; waiting for some kit to arrive from fasttech. Just wondered when using a mechanical mod with no circuitry is it necessary/essential to use some kind of PCB protector or control circuit? so that in the event of batteries discharging/becoming unstable or overheating/ leaking etc the whole mod won't blow up in your face??? Sorry know nothing of electronics (and mods) but would like some advice over this. Also heard stacking batteries in mech mods is dangerous. Thanks...
It all depends on the batteries really. If they are safe imr then you will be alright. Also, if they get hot you'll feel it while holding the mech.

Sent from somewhere in Kent.
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some batteries like the efest 2600 also have built in pcb but the downside is they normally have an amp limitation ( though according to efest the 2600 Li-ion protected have 20 amps !! ( sorry but why do i not believe that to be true! ) So this basically means you cant really sub ohm with protected batteries because of the limiter
Evening all; waiting for some kit to arrive from fasttech. Just wondered when using a mechanical mod with no circuitry is it necessary/essential to use some kind of PCB protector or control circuit? so that in the event of batteries discharging/becoming unstable or overheating/ leaking etc the whole mod won't blow up in your face??? Sorry know nothing of electronics (and mods) but would like some advice over this. Also heard stacking batteries in mech mods is dangerous. Thanks...

What batteries will you be using, that is the important bit. If they are protected, IMR, safe chemisty ect, you really wont "NEED" a safety fuse. Mods (good ones!) come with venting holes in the event a battery does become unstable.

Batteries tend to vent versus explode... the fire comes from extreme heat caused by the battery catching things around it on fire.

Upgrade the hot spring in a mech mod with one like this http://www.ivapour-elixir.co.uk/the-bb/bb-spares/bb-hot-spring.html if its a flimsy POS.

I have had an ego from Totally Wicked Vent on me, it made a hissing noise, got hot and by the time I got it outside, it stopped and didnt explode or burst into flames. http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/f...ry-Vent?highlight=Totally+Wicked+battery+vent It did scare me at the time as it was the first time it happened to me and with a branded well known battery. My cheapy knock offs... still working!

I also had a short with my Fogger which caused a brand new efest to become unstable and get VERY hot. A Quick turn on the battery cap and a mad dash to the front door, stopped a venting.. it got hot, but didn't explode :P

The fires and explosions you hear about come down to a few easy to figure out factors:
Overcharging (leaving a battery unattended for longer than the recommended charging times)
Charging in a USB port which is most likely seriously underpowered to do it
Charging via a Cigarette Lighter socket in a car

In the top 3 incidents, totally preventable and comes down to user/retailer error.

Using a damaged battery
Or total lack of knowledge from the user...Like using really dangerous batteries to make their own ecig mod. (the case of the florida man whom we dont hear about anymore because the guy basically botched a mod job and blew up his face using batteries NOT recommended for vaping )

With the millions of vaper worldwide, there ARE going to be incidents, but the majority of them fall under overcharging, using the wrong kind of charger, or being thick and not using the brains given to em :P

BTW KulrMeStoopid

i still dont know how long you supposed to charge an ego battery for? 600/900/1100mah....is it 2 hours? i ask because my charging lights never seem to be working....
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