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Mechanical Mods and Dual Micro Coils.


Dec 1, 2013
Afternoon all, having become pretty acquainted with my vamo, a few other VV/VW devices and making low ohm single micro coils in my UD agi I decided to step the tinkering up and purchase a mechanical mod and an IGO - W, the second version with holes in the posts and twin air flow, but boy do I have some questions. :anyone:

I'm still waiting on the mod in the post but I've been tinkering with dual coiling the igo and my preferred vaping method is with a micro coil, now I can't do two of these with .28 kanthal because the size of the coil in regards to diameter or length is a bit big for what room I've got to play with, due me needing to have the over all resistance at 1.2 ohms for my Vamo. So currently I'm using .32 kanthal around a small weeny screwdriver with 14 or so wraps. These come out at 3.4 ohm each and 1.8 ohm together on my IGO-W.

However, I'm finding .32 kanthal a PITA to work with when making micro coils, either I'm a big lumbering oaf or its very fragile stuff and easy to mess up when wicking and tweaking them and ohhhh god the springyness, THE SHEER SPRINGYNESS. Beause of this I much prefer and can make a much better coil i think, with .28 kanthal.

Now when my mech mod arrives I'll be looking at ordering an AW IMR 18650 2000mah battery as it's what I've seen recommended, but don't know how to find out what sub ohm resistances it can work safely with and if I could even make twin micro coils with .28 kanthal, that would be a high enough resistance. I know there won't be much problem with a single micro coil as I can wrap one easily to 1.2/1.4 ohms.
My maths is quite frankly terrible, I'm surprised I've understood as much this far in! I've watched numerous explanation videos on sub ohming and all that perlaver but I'm looking for someone to explain it to me in laymans terms, I'm still confused by amps and discharge ratings?

At the moment I've just got a plain jane 2000 mah *cough* ICR 18650 that came free with my vamo, I'm guessing that won't be safe to use in a sub ohm mech mod build but what about a mech mod firing on my other build, a single 1.2ohm coil for example? I'm guessing I don't have to worry to much about dropping into sub ohms with the AW IMR battery though.
And how does a dual micro coil vs a single micro coil both set up at .8ohms affect battery life for example? As I've heard dual coils are a big drain.

One more thing, I have excess .28 and .32 laying around which is why I've referred to only those wires, if a .30 has a lack of springyness like .28 then all my problems could potentially be solved? I just find micro coiling .32 to be such a hard and rarely rewarding task as it's so easy to mess up :(
the AW 2000mah is rated as 10amps. This means you can go down to 0.42 ohms safely. Microcoiling with thin wire is a pain, I wouldn't bother.
Yes you'll notice the battery draining quicker with dual coils.

just to clarify as theres always some confusion with kanthal as there are two numbers and people often mix them up. there is the mm size and obviously the higher the thicker and alot of people refer to .32 as the mm which is fine for coils . and then theres the micron or AWG which is the opposite so the higher the number the thinner the wire.
so .32mm kanthal is AWG 28 yet a 32 AWG is only 0.20 mm
so i find the best for dual micro coils on my igo W is .32mm awg 28 which gives me around 0.7 ohms. ( to low for your vv but fine for a mod) . simple thing to remember dual coils equals half the ohms of a single coil.
Also know that thicker kanthal is lower in resistance. Maybe try some thinner kanthal if you want more resistance.

Sent from somewhere in Kent.
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As already mentioned you must be getting your numbers muddled up.
.32 mm kanthal is great for microcoils because it's quite thick stuff so holds it's shape really well once it's been flamed or pulsed on a mech.
Sorry, I was going by US measurements for kanthal, 28 gauge being the thicker one which gives me a lower resistance and 32 gauge being the thinner one giving me more resistance.
The UK measurements on the 32gauge are .20 but the one that is 28 gauge has no marking on as to what measurement it is in UK standards, It's my fault cause I was watching youtube tutorials and google searching the uk size wire equivalent and ordered off ebay minutes later, referring to them by the American standards has just kinda stuck!

So say for example this ICR 18650 2000mah 3.7v battery I got supplied with my vamo, my current understanding is that: in a mechanical mod, this would just push out 3.7 volts after a fresh charge then drop to 3.6-3.4 volts before the vape got shitty and I needed to swap it out, there is not many markings or heaps of information about this battery so it would be unsafe to vape it with subohms, but my understanding is that I would need to build a 1.6-1.8 ohm coil to use it safely with the battery and avoid burning out any wicks. Is this right? Or is it not good to use this on a mechanical mod at all and wait for my AW IMR to come through the post?
I'll mention that I do have an ohm meter for building coils on as well.
pretty much you should be safe down to about 1 ohm-1.2 ohms and get a days vaping out of it before needing a recharge.
as for dry burning wicks, i have only done that a few times in drippers using cotton wool purely cos ive over vaped them and forgot to top them up!. I use efest 18650 2000 mah and have a 1350 800 mah and both are fine for down to around 0.4-0.5 ohms. i also have a new flat top efest a8650 2600 MAH battery thats a li-ion BUT it has built in protection ( not even on the efest website yet! ) .. no idea what amp limit is so i keep this for my tank builds which sit at around 1.2 ohms. everything is built using the thicker .32 kanthal ( i have very thin .20 kanthal too ) but its far to springy and awful doing micro coils as you just cant squeeze it close enough and has a habit of popping a leg.
with the .32 i can flame it and wind micro coils with no problems and no hotspots ( the .20 and even .25 is much harder ).

really the voltages arent to much to be overly concerned with in mechs as you leanr by taste and hit rather than sticking a battery on a test meter all the time. dy hits are more an issue if your getting hot spots ( or forget to top up dripper ) but again its something that after a few attempts you can generally overcome though even the best out there will get a dry hitter and a coil that just doesnt play ball occasionally.

of course safety is always paramount when doing these things but rather than get to wrapped up in numbers and figures just go with some common sense and you'll soon be vaping huge puffy clouds of flavoursome juice
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