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Mechanical Mods / RBA's


Oct 15, 2013
I'm interested in getting into mechanical mods and rebuildable atomisers. I have been reading the wiki page on the mech mods and it's kind of made me worry now. Are they safe? I think it was reading about the battery going too low and doing horrible stuff that got me. Have you just got to change batteries earlier than you would on a vv device and everything's good? And I've seen a few things about kickers or kicks, (can't remember now). Do the majority of people with mech mods use these or not? I don't know what they are or what they do (except I think they are a safety thing). I only know they exist.

Also what are the advantages of a mech mod over a normal vv mod, or isn't there any and it just personal preference?

I saw on another thread a GP Paps v2.5 and these look awesome. Just the size and look I am after. Does anyone know where I can get hold of one or something very similar for a cheaper price? :)

I was also going to look at starting to rebuild atomisers. I was looking at a Fogger or a KFL. Which one is best/ least amount of hassle? Not worried so much about price of these, just after the best/easiest to maintain in the long run. I've seen good things about micro coils and cotton wool so that's the route I'd probably go down.

Sorry for all the questions, mech mods and rebuildables are a whole new world to me.
I'm a bit of a newbie but here is my two pence worth.

The Vamo v5 is a pukka bit of kit which can also be used to test the ohms of your coils so I'd suggest getting on of those. There's no shortage of power should you want to up the voltage and being able to check reistance of coils makes it a good tool.
If you are thinking of getting into RDAs and dripping is your thing, try the Igo-L. Personally, I like it very much. It's simple and easy to build coils for it.
If you want an RBA with a tank, maybe try theKanger Protank 2. You can re-build the coils on them.
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Thanks Blossom. I've followed them on twitter now so hopefully can get one when/ if back in stock.

And thanks for the link to the other thread. Just reading through it now. Looks like u8myufo asked the same questions already regarding the mech mod side of it.

Edit: To slow typing.
Thanks Seedy as well. I do have a vamo v5 and a protank 2 on it funnily enough. I've had it for a couple of weeks now. But I want to get into mech mods. I like the small form factor and simplicity of them.

I do love my vamo v5 though.
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Kayfun beats fogger for ease of set up, nicer draw, and just pips it on taste, yet the fogger still does taste extremely well, both of them beat the buggery out of protanks and the like, in my opinion, having said that, I have yet to try the aspire heads, which could alter my opinion. Again though, the draw that a protank gives don't rock me world.

If money isn't to great a concern, get a vamo and a cheap mech, say, a magneto, try 'em out and see what floats your boat.

I prefer mechs, for the sort of vape I like, get decent batteries, aw and efest have good reps and are what I use to the exclusion of all other types. Both are IMR high-drain, which is a good thing.

You will notice your batteries lose their power in mechs before they drain too much, and in regulated mods, the device will stop working before the batteries get too low.

Don't buy batteries with "fire" in the title, ie, trustfire, ultrafire, housefire ;)

Many people do use them to no harm, but they don't have the best reputation, and I wouldn't use them if you seriously got into the mechs.
as a first mod i wouldnt recommend kayfun or a fogger. for a first time RBA you really cant go wrong with an RSST and at around £20 its not a budget breaker.
for your mech a smok magneto is a nice starter or a sigelei 8b. great mech mods both. If your going down the RBA route with an RSST you will need kanthal and mesh too .
throw in some IMR batteries to the pot ( Efest are a good solid choice ) and a nitecore charger.
you can get batteries, charger , wick and wire all from the bestshop.eu .. great service , great prices and quick delivery

as for your mech greyhaze for smoktech magneto or the sigelei http://greyhaze.co.uk/collections/mechanical-mods ( the sigelei iching a really nice mod too they have listed )
you can also get your mesh and kanthal from greyhaze http://greyhaze.co.uk/collections/accessories and they have a nice selection of attys as well http://greyhaze.co.uk/collections/rba they dont seem to have batteries and chargers but torchy is the other place for those
Thanks for your replies and opinions Merino-Teflon & elvedhel.

I've already got a intellicharge i2 and 18350 efest batteries from torchy that I use with my vamo. I take it these are perfectly adequate for use on a mech?

I heard about trustfire when I was first looking at chargers and batteries for my vamo so they are ones I know to stay away from.

I think I want to stay with either the KFL or the Fogger (looking like the KFL) as I don't want to buy a RSST and then still find myself wanting either one of those. That will just be more money down the drain.
To be fair, an RSST is a cheap tasty geni, but a kayfun, russian, or fogger, are a lot less hassle to use once set up correctly, no need for tippery pokery.
I will say, again if money ain't an object, hands down greatest tasting and faff-free geni I have owned is the RSM Rocket. For value, the RSST is pretty damn decent though.
Also, I would say that silica tanks, geni's, and drippers, all bring out different aspects of taste.
For example, I don't do tobacco in a geni or a silica tank, but they rock in a dripper or a spheroid; Pow wow sauce is a custardy affair which is great in a geni; Bahraini Apple Gold is made for a kayfun.
if your looking at a fogger hold out for V3 due out very soon ( or even available now) . as siad above taste plays a huge part. what one atty will give in flavour will be totally different in anotehr depending on if your using a dripper or tank, wick and coil, mesh and coil, cotton, silica etc etc, even material of atty and airflow all can change taste of one juice in different tanks. If you have 18350 batteries already then as mentioned above the magneto is a fantastic mod and will take the batteries. it uses magnetic connections too and you can find plenty of reviews on youtube of it, though of course there are a million other attys out there too , its all down to how much you want to spend on a mech
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