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Mechanical Mods / RBA's

Thanks again to both for all your info. It all helps to make my choice and I get to learn more about mods and rba's
KFL, Fogger, Magoo, Spheroid, all great, all different.
Different aspects of build, different on taste etc.
Whatever you buy the most important thing is wicking it properly. Lots of wicking options on all RBA's, just find the one that suits you best.
Why not try rewicking your existing atty to get some experience.
I've got a KFL and love it, but don't have much experience with others, so can't help with them.

If you're still interested in the KFL, there will shortly be a KFL plus out: http://www.cloud9vaping.co.uk/epage...yxve46fvrnud/Categories/SvoeMesto/Kayfun_Lite

Just when you think you've made your mind up, up pops another suggestion!!
Ooh nice find! I'm guessing that is svoemesto admitting that some of the kfls do leak (like mine still does a little!). I love my kfl, it's just so easy to set up once you've got used to it. I recoiled and wicked in a couple of minutes first thing this morning whilst getting the kids ready for school. I don't have any other atty that I can do that quick first thing at the most stressful time of the day.
I think i been mega lucky with mine no leaks :D and that new one has a air control screw too
Cloud9vaping have asked SvoeMesto whether they would issue the new "head" part on it's own, as an upgrade to existing KFL's but no go.

Shame the existing KFL's haven't come down in price seeing as there is a new version! Maybe they'll be reduced when the Plus's go on sale?
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