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Memers Liq


Feb 13, 2017
Jhanlos at Memers sent some of their e-liquid range over to me for a try. I’m not paid to do any reviews.


Memers Liq, e-liquid Range


Memers are a new company to me who have, so far, released a lot of disposable vapes. They’ve now released their own range of e-liquid, all nic salt based at 20mg per ml, and are currently trying to break into the UK market.

There’s a good review up on the main POTV review page, where Michelle has tested out a good few more of these flavours than I have, so I’d recommend having a look at that if interested.

The boxes of these Memer Liqs are your usual big double sized boxes, the same most bar salts have. I never know whether this is to stand out, look like disposable vape boxes or if the nicotine warning stuff gets in the way of the box design. And the box is quite well designed. It has an image of the bottle with a colourful splash beneath showing the flavour name it on the front and all the usual information/warnings on the other sides, along with a QR code for the Memers discord server.

Inside you get your 10ml bottle, encased in a plastic sleeve, again like a disposable device. I suppose it’s to create the impression that these are fresh juices and untampered with. That is fair enough. I’m not particularly paranoid about juice tampering but I do realise that some people will be so that extra layer of protection will be welcomed by some.


But it’s all about the flavours, that’s why I’m here and I can start by saying that all of the flavours have some level of added sweetness and cooling to them. That’s the point of bar salts but it’s the underlying flavour that I look for, so I’ll do my best to describe what I get.

Blueberry Sour Raspberry

It’s very sweet but that’s the flavour profile for a good blueberry raspberry. I don’t get the floral aspects of the blueberry too much so that’s a good start. The raspberry takes over in a good way and it’s properly sour! I’ve been looking for an actual sour juice for a while now and it’s lovely to finally find it. It’s not face puckering sour but it is very distinctive and I love it. The blueberry and raspberry together with the sweetener make for a sweetie like juice, while still tasting like fruit. Very well done.

Berry Lemonade

I love a good lemonade e-liquid and this is another good one. You get the sweet lemony taste coming on strong and then it fades to some sweet berries, I definitely get a bit of raspberry and other red fruits. I don’t get much of a fizz, but you can definitely taste the sherbet that they’ve used to get the fizz effect, and it all mingles in nicely. My missus has finished my bottle of this already and I’ve managed to wrestle her final pod’s worth off her to taste it. The ice effect is also noticeable here.

Grape Ice

I’m not a massive fan of grape. It’s a but musty for me and this one is musty but the sweetness lifts it up into becoming something else entirely. It’s sort of like a cross between red grapes and Parma Violet sweeties. There’s a real fruitiness on the back end that’s very pleasant and if the whole thing was like that it’d be a beast of a juice. Almost there but not quite for me. If you like grape vapes then you will enjoy this one.

Blueberry Cherry Cranberry

Like all the Memers Liq this one tastes like sweeties. They have gone all in with the sweetener but this one does also have a lot of depth to it. The cherry comes out well and the blueberry, again, has no floral aspect to it like a lot do. The cranberry kind of tags along at the end with a nice tartness and a touch of dryness. It’s a good mix of the 3 fruits for me and I do like it a lot.

Lemon Lime

This is another nice one. The almost bitter lemon gets lifted by the sweetness and the slight cooling, and the lime zings in there to tie it all together. It’s a good mix of the 2 citruses, with a sweet kick to it that just works well.


Overall, I’ve enjoyed these juices. I am a bit sweetener averse, but the flavours themselves do manage to cut through well and they are well crafted. Some have more ice in them than others but it’s where appropriate. The sweetener lifts them all to give a candy/sweetie kind of flavour, rather than just being there to mask things and in doing that makes the sweetener level appropriate.

You can check out the Memer’s range of products on their website here:


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