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Mephisto dripper.


Feb 16, 2014
Hey boys and girls, giving away and old (but unused) Mephisto Dripper (clone)
Nothing special, nothing new and fancy but it's not bad either.
Reasonably airy with adjustable flow, the choice of 1 or 2 airports.
The best features of this little Dripper is its pins, nearly 3mm wire holes and big flathead screws make this relatively easy to fit some of the fatter style of coils.
It hasn't got a drip tip with it but I'll see if I can grab a fresh one from somewhere to add on.

Enter in the usual orderly fashion, you mess up the list you fix it.
I may let this run until the 23rd.
1. Rob
2. Michael jackson
3. Jaydoginvasion
4. Willr545

Cheers bud. Been looking for a new dripper :)
1. Rob
2. Michael jackson
3. Jaydoginvasion
4. Willr545
5. eightbitraptor
7. city461

Nice giveaway , thanks. great dripper.
1. Rob
2. Michael jackson
3. Jaydoginvasion
4. Willr545
5. eightbitraptor
7. city461
8. Danny2JZ

Cheers for the giveaway mate :D
1. Rob
2. Michael jackson
3. Jaydoginvasion
4. Willr545
5. eightbitraptor
7. city461
8. Danny2JZ
9. Domejunky

I've got one of these, used it so much I wore it out. I'd love another...
Oohhhh, Looks interesting. Only got the one dripper so far and that's very different to my indestructible.
Should be able to learn a bit from it and try something new
Cheers for the comp man awesome gesture of you :-)

1. Rob
2. Michael jackson
3. Jaydoginvasion
4. Willr545
5. eightbitraptor
7. city461
8. Danny2JZ
9. Domejunky
10. Gothictwist
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