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MEPs and Ecigs

I actually have no problem with ukip, I know we need to keep friendly with Europe for trade reasons but I think at the moment we pour money into Europe who have way too much control over our laws but we don seem to get much back in return. Take our roads for example. I remember being young and going to Spain and the roads were bloody awful but recently they got however many millions and fixed them up an yet the road I live on doesn't have pot holes-it has craters! I'm not sure ukip have enough policies or experience to take the leash but at least they have the british interests as priority (be they black or white, Christian or Muslim, gay or straight etc). I think if they get enough attention it might just give the cons and labour a kick so they remember who they represent (let me give them a clue-it ain't Germany, France, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, it's a little closer). Didn't actually mean to rant, sorry :D
must admit have not voted for 20 years , dont get me started as to why :) , but i am beginning to think if they can come up with some ok policy's about other stuff as well as getting out the European back hand pay off Brussels system them i might get off my lazy arse and use my vote next time
i actually went and checked out the manifesto, which was strange as i normally canny be arsed :) , go along with almost all of it local issues seam to take the main part which i like , as long as immigration is not restricted from certain countries IE usa,canada which are a large skill base we need over here :)

p.s i got an email back in 1/2 hour from the guy in the op , saying that they favour choice rather than ban re-ecigs from the list , that alone will make me think twice about my vote if i actually make it to the voting station
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