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Metal Vs Plastic


Feb 24, 2014
I'm a chewer, I grip my tip with my teeth when I'm vaping. As much as I love the look of things like the Protank with metal drip tips, I worry that the sensation of cold hard metal banging against my teeth would be very unpleasant. Is it horrible?

What's your preference? Do you steer clear of metal for the same reason? Have you learned to keep it away from your teeth?
I'm not a fan of metal, just doesn't feel nice. For me personally I love cherry vapes drip tips (pawns and mings), they feel very comfortable and are never too hot or too cold. I've tried many drip tips but I always come back to my cherry vapes. Lovely colour selection too :)
I change out the metal drip tips on my protank to plastic as I don't like the cold metal and I also think it tastes totally different, I don't like the metal taste
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