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Jan 22, 2014
Hey all. New here. Been messing with a mech for a few months. Just switched from an auto-drip RSST to a pheonix v10 RDA. Been messing around with coil building lately. Just looking for some advice on diameter and wrap count. Ive wrapped single 28G kanthal, twisted two pieces and even three. Just wondering whats best and some experiences you've had with coil builds in the past.
The general consensus here in the states on what a typical micro coil is;

1.) 7-12 wraps touching / as close to touching as possible.

2.) Internal Diameter specs:


Because of the coils being so close together, it should heat from the center out. This is great because they make eliminating hot-spots and hot-legs virtually fool-proof. The close coils reinforce each other a bit as well structurally, so re-wicking is easier to do without messing the coil shape up.


Twisted wire micro coils give me a special feeling in my ballz. Oh fuck, did I just say that out loud?:lol1:

Anyways, the idea behind micro coils is more wraps in a smaller diameter equals more surface area for juice to vaporize off of. Throw in some twisted wire and your further increasing the exposed surface area.
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