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mixing help

Are you using a high vg mix? I've noticed my 50/50 mixes for my wife have more flavour more quickly than to 80/20 I do for myself.
Sorry I been on the phone all night lol, I have a variety of flavours most with just a little to taste so I just add a little of this and a little of that lol the amount of flavours in there its a wonder they don't combust :D still I taste very little of them after steeping for nearly a month, I can taste shop bought so its not vapers tongue, right now i'm vaping monkey farts, I mixed at 25% then after a month added another 5% and I only taste banana slightly lol

where did you get the monkey fart concentrate from or are you using a recipe to mix it?

i only ask because if its the monkey farts im thinking of they dont do a concentrate to my knowlage only an ejuice.
I have to agree with the ppl who are saying that over 20% the flavour concentrate is no good - typically, I start with about 10% and then work up from there - for some flavours (my marlboro tobacco for example) even 5% would be good enough because the flavour is so strong, but for others (for example, my cola and grape and strawberry flavours), I find that 15 to 20% is best - if you have to go up to around 30% then you may as well just be buying regular eliquid. As a matter of fact, some eliquids I have found to be so strong that I have used them AS flavourings!! Specifically, Canada Ejuice makes a red bull and a peppermint flavour that are both just WAaaaay too strong for me - so I used about 35% of each (seperately, I don't think peppermint red bull would taste all that great :)), added some pg and vg and nic, and voila!! was able to turn 2 bottles of eliquid into about 6 bottles, and it tasted great....depends a lot on the company you are purchasing your concentrates from...
as said 10% is a very good starting point. upto 20 no problem at 30% you should be blowing your lid.
i think you may of over dosed the % . a lot of flavours taste worse the more concentrate you use.
i started diy mixing because i also like strong flavour and shop bought just wasn't cutting it.
have you vaped the same juice for a while? i tend to find a juice i like and vape the shit out of it resulting in me not tasting it at all after a couple of weeks but others find it strong.
Thanks for all your replies, As I said I'm new to mixing, a friend sent me some bottles with just a little in each so I could taste them.

Maybe I was over enthusiastic with the amount of flavouring I've been adding but I seem to have bottles made that taste of nothing.

Right now I'm vaping grape that I mixed at 15% and can't taste it so I added a bit of b&m bought honey juice, its bearable.

I think the way forward for me is to buy one shots, I love red astaire so think I may just stick to that and I can't go wrong with the mixing, or can I lol

Iv used 25 % which I find fine now three of my liquids I was told to use 30% by the person who gave it to me and there lovely probably not to strong , some iv used 20 % I think there all different
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