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Mobb or Mobb M2


Nov 28, 2018
I’ve decided on a SXK BB clone, from ProVapes.
I was thinking of getting one of the Mobb RBAs. But do I get the Mini or the M2. I’ll say I’m mainly RDTL, but not exclusively?

I’d appreciate any input!
I have both and I honestly couldn't tell you which is better.
The m2 is probably better for rdl since it has bigger wicking ports.
But I use them both in mtl and they're perfect.

The mobb mini is slightly more compact and more readily compatible.

The m2 has 2 different top caps with different wicking ports

Both have plenty of af pin options but the mini ones tend to be an extra purchase.

Hmm.... get both?
I only have the Mini but if the M2 is similar then you've got to fight with it to not short circuit (something to do with the chimney I believe). It vapes beautifully when it works though.
I only have the Mobb mini, can't fault it as a RDTL bridge, the chimney is fitted to the chamber as a push fit with an o-ring, if not seated properly can cause an open circuit and the Mod won't register the coil. Simply twist fit the chimney as if it was threaded seems to overcome the issue. The Mobb Mini has retired my SXK Dope and Cloud which are gathering dust in the vape draw.
I only have the Mobb mini, can't fault it as a RDTL bridge, the chimney is fitted to the chamber as a push fit with an o-ring, if not seated properly can cause an open circuit and the Mod won't register the coil. Simply twist fit the chimney as if it was threaded seems to overcome the issue. The Mobb Mini has retired my SXK Dope and Cloud which are gathering dust in the vape draw.

Mine still give me issues if I twist it. Might try changing the o-ring.
Is it shorting or not reading?

Shorting. All is well when building and dry burning, even with the cap on so I know the leads are cut short enough. The problem only appears when I pop it in the Limelight tank and then in my Pulse. Once it works its fine, but its usually a ten minute fumble every time I put a new build in or change the cotton.
Shorting. All is well when building and dry burning, even with the cap on so I know the leads are cut short enough. The problem only appears when I pop it in the Limelight tank and then in my Pulse. Once it works its fine, but its usually a ten minute fumble every time I put a new build in or change the cotton.

Well that's baffling, don't think the chimney would be the cause of that issue, unless you have the coil mounted so high the chimney section hits the coil when fitted, but I very much doubt that from a man of your calibre. Took me a while to fathom out the open circuit issue with the chimney, had to ask myself what was changing between the dry burn and cap/chamber check to actually fitting into the Boro and the mod.

Its a very snug fit between the posts and the chamber and as you indicated above if the legs aren't trimmed flush they can short on the chamber, might be worth having a look next time to see if there is any movement on the cap/chamber that could cause a short when fitting into the Boro. That's the best I got atm I'm afraid. Rather than de-railing this thread any further, I'm happy for you to DM me some pic's if the issue continues mate, two heads are better than one so they say. :18:
Avoid the M2, it's a POS. It's the MTL cap that causes the short.
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