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Mod Box

I ordered a couple more 5a’s while they had 20% off. That code doesn’t stack with the regular 15% one, or at least it didn’t when I tried it
I don't think the tank knackered your mod but it would have stressed it, did you notice the mod getting hot while using it?

I use the Smok Prince tank but with a rebuild-able deck, best RTA/RBA I've owned, but many on here frown upon Smok.

A 3 battery mod and the Valaryian should be fine as it does give a fantastic vape and a better battery life.

How would the tank stress the mod?
higher wattage draw heating the batteries and heating the mod, happy to be corrected as I'm always willing to learn.
That would be the user stressing the mod by turning it up too high, surely?

I’ve heard people saying this but I don’t think it’s very convincing. I can see it having an effect on he batteries if you are straining them but how would it affect the mod? I’m not sure.
But surely if you are not abusing particular batteries, the mod should be able to withstand the typical amount of heat that would be produced? This is all hypothetical for me, of course.
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