That was what we where aiming for faster checkout without having to fill all details inJust got my order in 350ml , checkout was a breeze on tablet . Nice not having to fill all my details in.
I just have no willpower... I caved! - couldn't resist seeing you still had some virus and malibu breeze left in stock so went for it - also chucked in some pancake mole to try as I've been curious about this one... checkout was breeze and much easier not having to fill out detailsIf i hadn't just ordered some juice from another vendor id definitely be putting an order in... Fresh squeeze was lovely while i was on holiday in the sunshine and think i need to try malibu breeze and virus! Next time definitely!
I just have no willpower... I caved! - couldn't resist seeing you still had some virus and malibu breeze left in stock so went for it - also chucked in some pancake mole to try as I've been curious about this one... checkout was breeze and much easier not having to fill out details