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Just got my order in 350ml , checkout was a breeze on tablet . Nice not having to fill all my details in.
If i hadn't just ordered some juice from another vendor id definitely be putting an order in... Fresh squeeze was lovely while i was on holiday in the sunshine and think i need to try malibu breeze and virus! Next time definitely!
If i hadn't just ordered some juice from another vendor id definitely be putting an order in... Fresh squeeze was lovely while i was on holiday in the sunshine and think i need to try malibu breeze and virus! Next time definitely!
I just have no willpower... I caved! - couldn't resist seeing you still had some virus and malibu breeze left in stock so went for it - also chucked in some pancake mole to try as I've been curious about this one... checkout was breeze and much easier not having to fill out details
I just have no willpower... I caved! - couldn't resist seeing you still had some virus and malibu breeze left in stock so went for it - also chucked in some pancake mole to try as I've been curious about this one... checkout was breeze and much easier not having to fill out details

I wasn't keen on pancake mole at first, chucked if back in the cupboard for a few more weeks, perfect!
i was just about to order 6 x 50ml but theres no sharts in 3mg only 6mg and that will be too high for me so will wait for the next restock.
Too the people that have had the doughnut range.
Do the fruit doughnut still have that doughnut taste?

I've only had fresh cream doughnut and really liked the flavour.
I tried blueberry doughnut from a different website and it tasted just like normal plain blueberry and no doughnut element at all.

Couldn't fully enjoy the molejuice one as i ordered one in a nicotine level that was too high (was still a noob). So if the fruit ones still taste of doughnut ill try a couple of them instead of the fresh cream at a lower nic level.
We are extremely busy over next few days with appointments and what not so we won't be opening website for orders until at least Saturday 27th or Sunday 28th night,
We are also waiting on delivery of envelopes which are due Wednesday and flavours to be available at our suppliers.
Sorry for the delay we did post a notice on our Facebook page but I forgot to put one here.
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