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Molinberry Chocolate Custard


Feb 27, 2017
Hi people. Tried another of my Molinberry one shots today. This time Chocolate Custard.
Left to steep for 1 month. Mixed at 8% with 65 VG and 35 PG.
The chocolate is the overriding flavour and I only get a hint of custard. The chocolate tastes to me exactly like Inawera's milk chocolate. In fact this whole thing almost tastes like I've just mixed Inawera milk chocolate on it's own. If you like Inawera milk chocolate then I'm guessing you will like this. Personally I am not a fan of their chocolates. There's almost some honey sweet note with this, the same thing I got with Inawera's. I'm binning this.
But like I said if you like Inawera milk chocolate you'll more than likely like this. I dont.
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