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More fuel for the fire for the 'gateway' theory?

My argument to that is "Why do kids start smoking?"

Is it the bright coloured packaging and logos? No.

Is it the advertisements? No.

Is it because they see their granddad laying on his death bed with lung cancer? No.

Then Why?

Kids start smoking because one of two things, Peer Pressure, or by Example.

I started smoking because both my parents did it and when the older sister of a friend handed me a cig, I had no choice but to take a puff... or face being beat up or made fun of because I wasn't "cool" any more.

The hard reality of it is, we set the example for our kids and through whatever explanation, we give them the silent "It's Ok" because we did/do it too.

I know if I hadn't switched to Vaping, one of my kids, whichever of the 3, at some point would come home and tell me they were smoking, sooner or later.
Aye.. I suppose having parents that smoke can make it more likely that a youngster might try it... the problem I have is when the antis try to link vaping as a gateway to smoking.

This is the sort of article that they could likely use to say the kids are at danger of starting young and use it to link in with flavourings.

Given the option, I'd rather see youngsters experimenting with vaping rather than smoking. The ideal would be no experimentation at all I suppose but one of the things about youngsters is that they do tend to experiment.
Smokers switch to Vaping and not the other way round IMO. There are stories coming out of kids toking on ecigs. But having switched as most of us have we all know how bad fags taste after having vaped for a while. There is no evidence that I am aware of suggesting any credence to this gateway theory that those who are attracted to ecigs because of the colours or the cola flavours then go on to want ashtray flavour, smelly clothes and bad breath.

I wouldn't advise any non smoker to take on nicotine use but they weren't around when my three boys took up cigarettes and I wish they were all Vapers now. They're all grown up now (all over 23) and all smoke to one degree or another. One has tried Vaping and liked it but struggles with faff as he calls it. Sadly my ex wife and their mother is a practice nurse and fills their heads with rubbish. I know that because of the number of times when I test the source of the crap they come out with I get a 'mum said'....'abstinence' is the only way with her and is always giving them patches and gum which is of course ironic..
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