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More on rebuildable Attie's


May 3, 2014
Hi Guy's
Really enjoyed mini vivi nova taste & draw, still using it for work. Next tried various Protanks, got on OK with them also, I especially think the glass is for me. Next a Green Sound G10, (I think), that's really nice, no leaks or gurgles etc. Really like the way the coil sits in the top & it needs inverting to get juice to the wick, which is single coil 2.4 ohms, seems to suit me just fine, but alas the tank is not glass & I feel it flavours the juice where the glass doe's not.
I'm getting a Fogger V2 & would like to build that to a similar taste draw. i.e. 2.4 ish ohms & relatively easy draw. What guage of kenthal, how many wraps etc. Cotton, mesh or whatever & doI definitely need to test my coils with an ohm meter or similar device? Or am I just not getting the idea of rebuildables? I'm new to rebuilding, but rebuild the coils in Protanks easy enough.
Get yourself something to read the resistance of your coils. That way you can experiment with your wire & see what each coil will do. Different gauge wire for different devices depending on your wick material & the space afforded in the device etc..
I use drippers & most of 'em are happy with anything between .25mm & .32 mm wire but sometimes a device will dictate the best gauge to use & the best coil diameter. With rebuildables it's a case of getting to know your device & trying things out, don't be fixed on any one way.
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