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More than 20 million in UK have had first jab


Staff member
Jun 24, 2017
More than 20 million people in the UK have now had the coronavirus vaccine, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said.

He said it was "a magnificent achievement for the country" and "the vaccine is our route out".

"When you get the call, get the jab," he added.

The government is aiming to offer all adults the vaccine by the end of July. On Monday, nearly two million people aged 60 to 63 in England will start being invited to book their vaccine.

The government's next target is to offer a first dose to all over-50s by 15 April, as well as people aged 16-64 with certain underlying health conditions and unpaid carers for disabled and elderly people.

After that, they will start offering jabs to people by age group.

There are no plans yet to vaccinate children, although trials have been announced to test the Oxford University jab on children.

Great news.
Only another 115,222,000 more doses to go then everyone will be double dosed.
Great news.
Only another 115,222,000 more doses to go then everyone will be double dosed.
I believe your figure represents the entire UK population. Current aim is to vaccinate the entire adult population. Children won't be vaccinated (if at all) at least until phase trials have been completed on children but as far as I am aware, currently there is no objective to vaccinate the entire UK population - children included - with two doses so you can knock about 30m off that figure with regard to the current rollout goal.
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