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MOSFET resistor

The resistor isn't for smoothing the signal. There is no signal - only voltage. The resistor activates (or deactivates, depending on type of mosfet) the switching of the mosfet. PLEASE read up and fully (or at least mostly understand) what is going on before you melt your own face off. There are tonnes of resources out there. Box Modders on Facebook has a superb reading up section and Reddit has loads of info too.

Er well that's not strictly right either, the voltage applied to the gate by the switch is commonly referred to as a signal, and the resistor is there as a pull down resistor to ensure that it switches cleanly on or off...
Well there's 2 options, You can wait for me to ferret a couple out - I've probably got some, or if you're going to order a soldering Iron from Maplin just pop a couple on your order, they're pennies as you say...

Probably best to add some heat shrink tubing too to insulate the mosfet legs (Small stuff for the legs and a big one to go completely over the mosfet unless you are going to mount it to the case...

£1.11 for 10 delivered UK beats Maplins 39p ;)

Yes I'm a cheap cunt [emoji23]
Er that's not telling the full story either! I'm merely saying that it's a good idea to read up and know what you're doing. Rather than risking a horrendous injury or burning your house down. Agreed?
Er that's not telling the full story either! I'm merely saying that it's a good idea to read up and know what you're doing. Rather than risking a horrendous injury or burning your house down. Agreed?

Agreed, and I'm using an N mosfet 3034, for the low switching current and high capacity.
Finding the information isn't as straightforward as most would have you believe. However there is an absolute mine of very experienced modders in this very organ that I trust not to give me entirely duff information. I could just say sod it and ditch the mosfet entirely and get a suitably robust button. But I would rather not cook my thumb. I'm proofing the thing against myself ;)
And when all is said and done. I could have just bought a tugboat box and had the same result. By the time I've bought the soldering iron, parts, soldering accessories, shrink wrap, etc etc, it will probably work out to a similar price. But I will hopefully have a new skill and ability. And the satisfaction of making it myself (with a bit of help)
If you're not sure how things work, before you do anything DO YOUR RESEARCH as erndub said. If you need a hand, give me a yell, but I'm not going to answer questions that can be done by researching.. also join Box Modders on FB, or if you don't want to, the resources from them are here Also get a Multi Meter, if things screw up, you can use it to work out what the hell's gone on. One last thing, MOSFET or GTFO.

Sorry to come over heavy, but I don't want you to blow your face off, at least, not under my watch ;)
Oh trust me. I'm reading up on everything. There will be questions, and confirmation pictures. I fully intend to post dry layout pictures before anything is assembled.
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