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MSc dissertation vaping research. £20 Amazon prize draw

Aug 11, 2017
I'm a Health Psychology MSc student at Surrey University, currently recruiting participants for my final dissertation. If you provide your email address, you will be entered into a randomly selected prize draw for a £20 Amazon gift voucher.

The only requirements for participation is that you be a vaper, 18+ and a student!

The survey should only take about 15 minutes to fill out. It's mobile compatible, but you'll have a slightly easier experience using a computer. Your data will only be usable and you will only be entered into the draw if you go to the end and complete the survey.

Kind regards, and thanks in advance!


Survey link: https://surreyfahs.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5jt9DEtFFtA6Ebr
you need to update you intro page due to this being out of date: "Personal data will be handled in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act (1998)".

the new 2018 GDPR came into affect on May 25th 2018 https://www.eugdpr.org/
Answered the survey. Actually had a bit of a rant too so enjoy! :18:
That's a contradiction

Haha don't even get me started. I couldn't agree more. In fact, I've written an entire chapter on why politics should never be studied as if it were a natural science like chemistry, physics or biology.
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