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hjmpf seems i'm not hte only one that had this issue
That’s not the same issue you are having, the boro in the link is the a-tank boro, the hole is the bottom is bigger, so it can’t be used with the Exocet and vapeshell, the boro’s look the same, only difference is the hole is the bottom, if you have a o-ring in your boro and the Exocet or vapeshell ain’t tight fitting in there then you have the wrong boro...
well shit, and here I was thinking all tanks were created equal. what a dick I feel, thanks for your help <3

what's the tank that I need? B-type?
well shit, and here I was thinking all tanks were created equal. what a dick I feel, thanks for your help <3

what's the tank that I need? B-type?
B-type isn’t a tank, did you get a boro tank with the bb when you purchased it ?? If you did then that should be the one that will fit the vapeshell and the Exocet...
yer i've got it in there now (the tank that came with it) and working (hooorah!). Last question for tonight I promise... what do I need to look for if I want a replacement tank that will take the exocet bridge?
yer i've got it in there now (the tank that came with it) and working (hooorah!). Last question for tonight I promise... what do I need to look for if I want a replacement tank that will take the exocet bridge?
Nice one, glad you got it sorted, for the Exocet you need the same tank as you have for the vapeshell, I will find it now and post the link for you...
yer i've got it in there now (the tank that came with it) and working (hooorah!). Last question for tonight I promise... what do I need to look for if I want a replacement tank that will take the exocet bridge?
That’s for a black one, just change the colour if you want a white one...
Or here if you don’t wanna wait and get one in the uk...
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