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MTL Squonking


Oct 23, 2014
I don't know ANYTHING about squonking but want to give it a try. I mainly MTL so is this an option with squonking and if it is what is a good set up to try for my first go. I can build coils and do own a few RDA's but I like my nic level around 9 or 10mg so would I have to lower my nic levels for squonking or is it the same as using a RTA with a 1.2ohm build. Sorry for all the questions you must be sick of people asking but I know the advice I get from here is better than anywhere else!! (grovelling done now)!! Thanks in advance.
I don't know ANYTHING about squonking but want to give it a try. I mainly MTL so is this an option with squonking and if it is what is a good set up to try for my first go. I can build coils and do own a few RDA's but I like my nic level around 9 or 10mg so would I have to lower my nic levels for squonking or is it the same as using a RTA with a 1.2ohm build. Sorry for all the questions you must be sick of people asking but I know the advice I get from here is better than anywhere else!! (grovelling done now)!! Thanks in advance.
Mtl is exactly the same as your rta buddy. A tight as you like draw and your fave coil. (I use a 1.2 ohm 2.5mm 26-28 awg too). Nic mg stays the same unless you decide to build a little lower and open up the airflow a little.
A great mtl (in fact my favourite) is the strike style rda. The cheap one is just fine from ft. Cost about a fiver and offers similar airflow options to the nautilus. Pair that with a pico squeeze and you have mtl heaven for under twenty quid.
I don't know ANYTHING about squonking but want to give it a try. I mainly MTL so is this an option with squonking and if it is what is a good set up to try for my first go. I can build coils and do own a few RDA's but I like my nic level around 9 or 10mg so would I have to lower my nic levels for squonking or is it the same as using a RTA with a 1.2ohm build. Sorry for all the questions you must be sick of people asking but I know the advice I get from here is better than anywhere else!! (grovelling done now)!! Thanks in advance.

Yes you can MTL squonk and very simply put it's no different to using a tank but the tank is a squonk bottle m8. You can fill the bottle with what ever nic strength

There are obviously mtl specific squonking rdas like the nutz, hellfires, gp drippers and many more.

I'm sure @eyeball kid will be over in a bit to give you more info...



Edit: Ninjad :)

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