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MTL Squonking

Just had an email from FT, they are sending the strike 18 seperately and the Pico squeeze had been put back AGAIN to the 29th Aug! So I will have the squonk attie and nothing to use it on!! Bummer!!!!!
The Pico squeeze arrived EVENTUALLY and paired with the strike 18 1.2ohm coil and I'm loving, loving, loving it!!!!
I don't know ANYTHING about squonking but want to give it a try. I mainly MTL so is this an option with squonking and if it is what is a good set up to try for my first go. I can build coils and do own a few RDA's but I like my nic level around 9 or 10mg so would I have to lower my nic levels for squonking or is it the same as using a RTA with a 1.2ohm build. Sorry for all the questions you must be sick of people asking but I know the advice I get from here is better than anywhere else!! (grovelling done now)!! Thanks in advance.
Yes Cthulhu mods just came out with a single coil squonk RDA. relatively cheap to on fast tech. I think 20.00. And it's not some cheap company. They make good products. Pick up a VT inbox DNA 75 and ur all set for almost under 110. 00 dollars
Yes Cthulhu mods just came out with a single coil squonk RDA. relatively cheap to on fast tech. I think 20.00. And it's not some cheap company. They make good products. Pick up a VT inbox DNA 75 and ur all set for almost under 110. 00 dollars
Anyone seen any reviews on this yet, can't find anything on youtube.
Just got an Origen Little, it's really nice with a good selection of airflow also ordered the SXK Le Condorda, this squonking is going to get expensive!!
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