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MVP 2.0 with Kangar Aerotank

Holy Smokes

Jan 24, 2014
I see loads of threads in this section about the next step from ego/evod type devices and plenty of people including me recommend the MVP 2.0, because of several factors I highly rate the device. Long Battery Life, No need to buy seperate Batteries/Charger, Price, Very Simple to use the list goes on and on ...

I thought I would do a really quick vid of how it vapes as all newbs want to see a significant improvement in that department!!! I think when paired with an Aerotank it Vapes really well and you can pick up both for around £50 from myepack which is an absolute steal (other retailers are available and I am in no way connected to this vendor apart from being a customer)

Heres the vid hope someone finds it useful


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