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My all new bf sapor


May 30, 2016
Received my bottom fed sapor atty the other day and lovin it, although Monday last week got hit with laringjitus so can't taste much But the clouds are immense...
In the stock atty that comes with the kangertech, I had premade Clapton coils with 4 wraps makin 0.30 ohms at 90-95w which was ok but spit hot lava most of the time lol ... Then built the sapor with Claptons wrapped 6 times makin 0.17ohms at 110-115w and my god! I'm gettin in trouble at home by the queen for the fog she has to walk thru to find me .. I'm in love.
I've got the lowpro on order which should be here soon but it's got a lot to live up to after this sapor ... I'd recommend to anyone that's upgrading from a standard atty any day
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