Received with many, many thanks, not one but two, Ares-2 LE MTL rta's from the
@Innokin giveaway
The Ares-2 rta is a get-together between Phil Busardo, the Vaping Greek (Dimitris Agrafiotis) and Innokin, the LE is a cosmetic upgrade on the earlier version. looking at pictures and videos of the MK1 I think it is quite ugly, the LE is a pretty thing indeed. This is the D22, a 22mm rta, I believe there is also a D24, 24mm rta, I'm pleased to receive the 22 over the 24mm.
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Lots in the box: awesome coiling tools, spare glass, orings, fill port gasket, premade coils, wire, cotton, lots of literature, none of which I have read yet, but no less, very useful!
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Immediately set about building the Flint coloured one, I went with a 2.5mm ID coilology mtl NI80 round clapton wire, 5 wraps, came out at 0.90ohm. Japanese puff cotton for the wick. This took about 10 minutes to do, I'll admit I rushed it a bit, I wanted to do my brief review today, as it's my wife' s and I 23rd wedding anniversary week

23 years tomorrow - wtf.
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Primed, filled and ready to vape:
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I'm new, or rather newly returned to mtl, and tbh it's been a struggle to get used to mtl and even a restricted draw. I have only modern day mtl rta experience with the Ambition Mods Gate rta (thank you
@MTLMike) and the Cthulhu Artemis MTL mtl rta. I'm just going to mostly pro and con it, but really it too early to say too much, and I'm tempted to keep comparing it to the Gate and Artemis, but as I say, it's too soon.
A definitive mtl experience.
Super build quality.
Extremely attractive.
Simple to wick.
Plenty in the box, the coiling tools are an excellent add in.
The adjustable undercoil airflow arrangement, although I've left it "wide open", it's great and really important to have the option to fine tune, no sloppy inserts with wrong sized orings or whatever, I'm looking at you: Mr. Blitz Ivo.
No leaks in use, I've vaped 70/30 and 50/50 so far, all good.
The drip tip (in use), no issues, I'm fussy about such things, many a good atty has had me looking for a better drip tip to go with it, no need here.
Wicks extremely well, I chain vaped to the point of lightheadness and coughing, had a look at the cotton and it was still super wet, it never turned white, a good sign indeed.
I don't like the child proof drip tip set up, it annoys me when filling the tank, but I can live with it, having had 5 children I know what tricks they can get up to.
The fill port with the gasket could have been better designed? It's messy, there's nowhere for the air to go when filling, sometimes even with a 10ml standard bottle and tip. Dripping is messy, I expect that, but I don't expect or want the sort of mess I'm getting filling the Ares-2. It's the biggest con I have with this tank.
Due to the design of the deck and the way the post screws are set, when tightening down the wire it can be forced up and away, damaging the wire and especially when using softer wire like NI80, it means I have to start again, mtl claptons and the like need to be set first time, the nature of the 40g wrap on the wire doesn't allow for constant fiddling and farting about - in my opinion. I know I could simply use kanthal round wire but I started as I mean to go on, I use the coilology mtl range in all my mtl stuff, including pod rba's.
It is a classy tank, I'm undecided on the flavour, I was expecting it to rival and yes, I'm going to mention the Artemis, I think the Artemis has flavour in spades, the Ares is not there yet, hopefully it will be. I'll try other builds, but I'm in no rush, this thing is good.
A word about receiving two tanks, I'm giving the other one to a friend who has had terrible ill health these last few years
View attachment 230339 He's just got into rta's, well, he has one mtl rta, some really old thing, gonna get him a bit more modern, he's going to love it!
Thank you for reading my rubbish
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