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My First Vape


Mar 18, 2014
Hi everyone, I'm a long term smoker, 20 years using rolling tobacco and I tried vaping for the first time today ... this is the kit that arrived in the post this morning and my first experience using it

Evod spinner battery 1000mah
Evod BDC atomizer
Kanger Mini Pro atomizer
Hangsen Apple e-Liquid 18mg strength nicotine
Dekang Blueberry e-Liquid 18mg strength nicotine

I made a BIG mistake in not ordering a tobacco flavour, all I'm getting at the moment is plenty of vapor but very little taste from either liquid, in fact it's hard to tell them apart and both seem to have a metallic taste. Maybe my taste buds are shot after years of puffing roll-up tobacco but NEITHER of these e-liquids tasted remotely like fruit at any voltage I set on the spinner battery.

Q1. Any advice on this set-up I'm using appreciated, maybe I should invest in something better ?

Q2. Any advice on a decent tobacco flavour e-liquid for a heavy roll-up smoker appreciated ?

Q3. Also as a first time user I'm getting a dry throat feeling after using this new electronic gear, is this normal ?

thanks in advance
:welcome1:When starting out I recommend taking a visit to a ecig / vaping shop so you can try out different flavour juices while there. It's easy to try one and think it tastes crap and just go back on the fags.
Vaping does make you dehydrated so you need to drink more water than you used to.
Well done on getting this far - I think a lot of people are put off by the terminology when they first start looking at vaping.

So, your questions.
1 - your set up is fine at this stage in the journey, no point in spending loads if you find you don't like vaping or struggle with it. If it were me, I'd get at least a second battery so you can vape whilst the dead battery charges.

2 - there is no decent tobacco flavour juice really, nothing that replicates the burning of dried tobacco leaves. Lots of vendors sell tobacco juices using slight altered names. You could also try RY4 as this is a tobacco like flavour. The dekang/hangsen juices you got with the kit are OK but mass produced, have a look at some of the juice vendors on here and buy anything that takes your fancy - your taste will change so maybe look for taster packs at this stage. Don't try and replicate the taste of your fags, it won't happen, instead explore and enjoy. (I've not smoked since mid November and I'm still finding new juices that I never thought I'd enjoy - FIzzy Trifle from Triphammer is my latest squeeze)

3 - water is your friend, drink loads. The PG in the juice is very drying and you need to rehydrate. But this is a good thing - water as we know is very good for you so its a win win situation! I probably drink around 2 litres of water a day now, maybe more.

4 - I know you didn't ask a fourth question but can I suggest that you spend time watching videos, learning about this journey - its fun but be warned it can expensive!!

Good luck
Q1. Any advice on this set-up I'm using appreciated, maybe I should invest in something better ?

The kit you have is fine :) Dont spend more than you absolutely want/need to.

Q2. Any advice on a decent tobacco flavour e-liquid for a heavy roll-up smoker appreciated ?

Polls among users have found that very few stick with tobacco flavours and that the sweeter flavours are more widely used. I was the same when I started vaping 2 years go, I wanted a tobacco flavour...none of them taste like tobacco :P but more like what fresh tobacco smells like. Buy a few, try a few, and remember your taste buds are going to go through a LOT of changes over the next few weeks (science!) and this will be down to quitting smoking and your lungs/tongue healing so flavours you might not like right this instant, in a few weeks will taste like heaven in a vape :)

Q3. Also as a first time user I'm getting a dry throat feeling after using this new electronic gear, is this normal ?

Dry throat/mouth is a side effect of PG. Up your daily water intake and if that hasn't sorted it out in a few days time, look for a higher VG e-liquid. 70 PG and 30VG seems to be the bog standard of mass produced e-liquids so you might want to venture into hand made to order versus the mass produced stuff.
Hi and welcome to the planet

ive only been vaping for 3 weeks , ive tried many many many tobacco flavour juices and the only one i can get along with is Darkstars Liquid amber


it tastes nothing like burning tobacco leaves but then again you learn to expect that, its just the least nasty tasting out of all ive tried
The kit you have is fine :) Dont spend more than you absolutely want/need to.

Polls among users have found that very few stick with tobacco flavours and that the sweeter flavours are more widely used. I was the same when I started vaping 2 years go, I wanted a tobacco flavour...none of them taste like tobacco :P but more like what fresh tobacco smells like. Buy a few, try a few, and remember your taste buds are going to go through a LOT of changes over the next few weeks (science!) and this will be down to quitting smoking and your lungs/tongue healing so flavours you might not like right this instant, in a few weeks will taste like heaven in a vape :)

Dry throat/mouth is a side effect of PG. Up your daily water intake and if that hasn't sorted it out in a few days time, look for a higher VG e-liquid. 70 PG and 30VG seems to be the bog standard of mass produced e-liquids so you might want to venture into hand made to order versus the mass produced stuff.

Sounds like very good advice, particularly regarding what you've said about dry mouth relating to high PG, both the liquids I'm using have high PG and the dry mouth effect and slight buzzy effect in my head is apparent almost immediately after I put the e-cig down. Will definitely up my water intake during the course of the day. Oh boy, e-cigs are so different to roll-ups !!!
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