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My jaw just hit the floor

Cheers @Huggett-seems a strange thing to do though(as it states theres 3 left)-if i was looking for one and it quoted that much,and if they had none left,no way would i go back to check if it was back in stock.From where i'm sitting that seems more likely to deter people from buying, but then again i suppose they could be trying to wring as much cash out of the gullible as they could with their last few items...

Could have had issues with the 3 'left' or sold them elsewhere.

And you can get them in the UK for half that from most vendors

Sent From Within A Plume Of Vapour...
It's an old eBay trick for constant relisters. They keep the item listed but hike the price up to an unreasonable amount, I think it's something to do with eBay's search algorithm, it keeps them at the top as a popular search sort of thing. :)

And laziness, like Huggett said (sorry Huggett, just read your post)
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It's an old eBay trick for constant relisters. They keep the item listed but hike the price up to an unreasonable amount, I think it's something to do with eBay's search algorithm, it keeps them at the top as a popular search sort of thing. :)

And laziness, like Huggett said (sorry Huggett, just read your post)

Also saves on relisting charges :-P, and if someone was 'watching' the item.

As well as oooh that item was £65 now its £25 thats a bargain!

Sent From Within A Plume Of Vapour...
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