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My name is Jess :)

Hello @Jess@Flawless ,Delighted to make your acquaintance !!!
Hi and welcome. What about people like me who think that Facebook/Twitter etc are a pile of crap? I don't know about others, but I like a constant small POTV discount (like, 5% off anything and/or 10% off above £30 something?), rather than a big one offs. This is just my personal preference though. I'm just a member here [emoji847]
Hi and welcome. What about people like me who think that Facebook/Twitter etc are a pile of crap? I don't know about others, but I like a constant small POTV discount (like, 5% off anything and/or 10% off above £30 something?), rather than a big one offs. This is just my personal preference though. I'm just a member here [emoji847]
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