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my newest creation


May 14, 2014
this is sort of a "Frankenstein" in the sense that its made from salvaged parts. my local vape shop had a box of broken stuff (aka spare parts to the right people) that they let me buy for an awesome price.

the base is oak and maple stacked, glued, cut, drilled, sanded, and finished :p

i think the button is from a "Hammer" e-pipe

there are things that i feel like i should have done different. but i like how it turned out, right down to the 7 color changing led 100_0334.jpg100_0330.jpg100_0332.jpg100_0335.jpg.

thoughts? opinions?
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That looks mint, i like the idea of recycling parts, makes being different more affordable.
I like that.
It looks almost Victorian, in a good way, if you know what I mean?
It wouldn't look out of place in a mad scientists lab. I can imagine HG Wells vaping on it!
Really nice to see something different.
I think is ace keep rummaging in those parts boxes

sunny TeesDale in the north east
I like wood,I like the idea of recycling,I'm just not sure on the outcome as pictured.
Most of the side by sides i've seen have support between the top of the battery tube and atty, could possibly be a weak point without some sort of bracing.
Well, isn't that one of the most unusual mods I've seen in a while! Good stuff! :clapping:
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