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Review My review of the SMOK GX350 and TFV8 Cloud Beast

Vape Ape Hungary

Feb 24, 2017
So if you're the type that likes to get straight to the point, I can tell you right away that this kit is a waste of money and here's why I feel that it is.

I purchased the GX350 kit through Vapesourcing.com during their pre-sale. I paid for it around the end of January and it stated on the site that shipping time would be between 2-15 and 2-20, 2017. Vapesourcing wound up shipping a month late, but I will get to my VS rant later.

To the device: So when I purchased it I immediately fell in love with it probably because of the purple color alone. I have bought several !ODs in the past year, always upgrading from the previous, so I figured a 350 watt mod would do the trick and I shouldn't have the need to buy another "upgrade mod" for some time. Well I was right about that; this thing is definitely powerful, no doubt about that!! On the other hand, it's about the equivalent of owning a Ferrari if you live in a country where the streets are crap (like in Hungary)... all that power and you can't use it. The TFV8 atomizer that comes with it can be vaped at wattage all the way up to 260 W, but the manufacturer recommends only 180, so even at 260 W you would still have tons of extra power left. I think the TFV12 can handle much more power, but in my experience I can't vape it at over 75 W and get a comfortable hit from it... For me anything more than that is just a waste of Ejuice and burns the hell out of my lungs.

The weight: Well when I read the weight of it, I really couldn't fathom the thought of having a mod in my hand that weighs around half a kilo... But when I got it and put in the batteries it really hit home that this thing is quite cumbersome and heavy as hell for a mod that I would consider as my "go -to every day" mod. At least I get a bit of a workout when I use it :). Also because of the weight, I am a bit apprehensive to use it as my every day mod. I travel around the city a lot during the day, so there's a good chance that someone will bump into me here on the busy streets of Budapest and knock it out of my hand. Considering the weight of this mod and the thickness of the metal on the housing, I seriously don't think this mod would survive a fall from heights above my waist. This thing would crack your metatarsal in a heartbeat from that height!!! And if it didn't land on my foot, perhaps in the kitchen or something, it would crack the hell out of the tiles. So in conclusion, I wouldn't classify this as an every day mod.

The paint: Absolute sh1t. I was quite excited by the purple color, and rom the pictures it looked as if it was anodized, but no such luck. It seriously looks like it has been painted with a rattle can!!! I've been dealing with paint/detailing/paint correction for more than 25 years, so perhaps I'm a bit anal about these things, but I think anyone can see that the paint job on this thing is atrocious. Blotchy especially in the sun, the paint flakes off around the entire battery door, and I'm pretty sure that if a fly farted on it, it would also chip. Judging by the way the paint flakes off/chips I am pretty sure there was no primer used in the paint process, which is probably why it's so susceptible to chipping. Also, I tried to measure the thickness of it, but got no readings, which leads me to believe that the housing is cast iron... Another reason I am afraid of dropping it, as cast iron is quite weak. So basically if you don't keep this mod in a sleeve, in a month's time it will look like monkey poo.

Construction and functionality: There's a severe design flaw with this mods. While I can appreciate that the batteries don't rattle about in the mod, I think they could have designed the battery compartment much better. The battery door is a PITA to close at first, but once it dents the pi$$ out of your 18650 batteries on the positive end, it gets a bit easier. My flat-top batteries now have inverted nipples on the positive sides. Also, the fit is so tight that the battery door doesn't shut properly, so when you put it on a flat surface, the mod rocks back and forth like one of those clown punching bags that you can't knock down. I like the fact that it shows your current amperage, but only until you release the fire button... There is no "hold" for this feature and being that the display is so close to your eyes when vaping, it's not so easy to read and you go cross-eyed in the process. Other than these things the mod performs quite well, just extreme overkill. Also the TFV8 is great... Clouds galore!!!

Vapesourcing.com: The absolute WORST Chinese retailer I have ever dealt with!!!! As stated above, they shipped my mod a month after it was promised and finally after several attempts to contact them and requesting a refund, they finally sent my kit. Also the staff are very rude!!!! After waiting for more than an hour to get a response from their chat "support" they answered me with "Just say what is your problem." Wow. Not only was my kit shaped a month late, but they had the audacity to send me a USED kit!!! Yes you heard correctly, "USED KIT!!!!" When I first opened it, I didn't notice but after looking at it for a bit, I saw several paint chips in the paint and also around the battery door. Then when I wrote to VS about it they finally answered after 4 days and requested that I send them the serial number of my mod. When I flipped the box around to scratch off the serial number code, the fact that someone had already taken the livery of scratching it off for me further justified my conviction that I had been sent a USED kit. After more than 3 weeks of emailing them and waiting for several days for a reply from them, I opened a PayPal dispute. Finally they agreed to send me a new kit, which is now on the way... Needless to say, I will never purchase anything from them again and I can highly recommend staying far away from this company!!!!

So in conclusion, the mod is good as far as performance goes, but a complete waste of money because there are smaller and less cumbersome mods out there that will do the same... And cheaper!!! My eLeaf Pico with a Limitless tank gives me similar clouds... Just saying. If you need lots of power that you will never be able to use, then maybe this is for you. If you're an average caper like me, it's a waste of money in my book. Pics attached of how I got it out of the box.

Cheers :)


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UPDATE: So as I said, they sent me a replacement unit. I got it today. Instead of sending me another purple one they sent me a gold one and it looks horrible!!!! Also they did not send a kit, but the mod only. Way to go Vapesourcing.com you just lost a ton of customers...
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