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My story - Progress!

I accidentally gave up too! It's only been a week but I have no intention of smoking now!
Must admit I tried everything to give up....zyaban, patches....even hypnotherapy lol......although hypno was actually best.

Then a couple of weeks ago I paid loads of dosh for a kit from VIP and since the first taste havnt smoked a smellie since.

Got a fair bit of kit now.....favorite clearamiser being the VIsion V3.....kanger seems to airy. Anyway wouldn't go back to stinkies now.
HELLO welcome and well done. Sell, sell your stash and get some shinies. Hehe
next thing to try is any of the aspire bdc range i have gone from evod to kanger and now with the aspire's i have found my sweet spot for a while, like you i am going into rebuidables next probably with the rsst
Over 2 weeks now since my last analogue and I now have my sense of taste back! I've built up a fair collection of bits and bobs too! Fave at the moment is the viv nova mini. Had a bit of an issue with a leaky Kanger evod, but sorted with a new coil head from my local vape shop. Current juice faves are the Cool Menthol from a local supplier Vapours4you based in Crewe, and Darkstar Forest Fruits. Thanks for the warm welcome guys and Happy Vaping! :clapping:
I bought an ecig to cut down on smoking. As soon as i had my first puff i couldn't see any point in lighting another fag. I was gobsmacked! It never occurred to me i was going to give up smoking. That was 3 weeks - and two days - ago. Of course it's early days, and i actually know of more than one person who vaped for 18 months and went back to the cigs, so we're not out of the woods yet. Even so, pretty amazed at how easy - and fun - it's been so far.
next thing to try is any of the aspire bdc range i have gone from evod to kanger and now with the aspire's i have found my sweet spot for a while, like you i am going into rebuidables next probably with the rsst

I have the Aspire BDC C5 i think it's called. Looks a bit weird but vapes well and has been very reliable. Just ordered an iclear30B which will be here tomorrow. It holds more juice than the other ones i have, and has been getting very good reviews. Of course i don't need another clearo, but i've got the shopping bug. LOL!
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