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Nano dragon coil build...


Sep 23, 2013
I thought I'd try this as rip trippers made it look worthwhile, so two perfect microcoils later, I attach them both into my igo-w like so and wick them as shown in the video...to my annoyance I get little flavour and not a great amount of vapor or TH, they were done without flaws, there were no hot legs before wicking, coils were covered in cotton and juiced, only thing I can think of is maybe on this build its best to cover the coils in cotton but use as little cotton as possible...?
It's a very fine line with the amount of cotton to use , those coils need to breathe , i've had some decent results but it's not worth the faff factor for me
Yah, Didnt like the chimney build for the Kayfun either, to much trouble not enough wicking...
I don't want to ask questions, in case you think I'm underestimating your knowledge.
I've had goo success using these on my KFL, with one exception, where I covered the air hole.
45 degree tilt, wrapped the back, left the top uncovered etc. Massoove vape, muted flavour. Ok for a strong juice.
Tilted and left airhole to breathe, think it was just too much cotton tbh will try again when I get my nem sent to me as having to borrow my fiances mech every time Im doing this project builds as nothing fires below 1.2 on my vamo :(
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