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Nautilus Atomizer


Nov 16, 2012
This is a personal review of a product I either bought or received free of charge. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of this website, planetofthevapes.co.uk

This is a clone of the Odyseus, it's caled the Nautilus - Not to be confused with (what is typically called a poor copy) the Nauti. Unlike a typical clone, this is either a direct copy, or incredibly close.....

So, this is an atomizer that I, like a couple of people have been looking at for a while. The reviews I have seen really give it praise. But like many review, as with this one, it's all down to personal preference.

I will look at the following categories over the next few days to try and give it a good change to live up to my expectations:

  • Design & Build
  • Ease of Use
  • Vape Quality
  • What I like about it
  • What I do not like about it

Design & Build
This is clearly a piece of kit in which some effort and time has been spent. As mentioned beforehand, it's a clone, so of course the initial congrats should probably go to the creator of the Odyseus, but this is specific to the Nautilus so congrats for a nicely finished and though about copy.
Each piece of this atomizer is nicely built and finished. The finish is brushed, maybe satin.
The wick is held at the top of a ceramic cup and it extends into the base of the atomizer. The coil wraps around the wick, with enough space for up to 7 or so wraps if you should wish - It is however going to be tight at that level. It is suggested that you use "no-res" wire on the tails of the coil which gives you the advantage of being able to size up your coil beforehand rather than taking the normal route of "ah fek it, let's just see."
The centre pin of the 510 connector allows for up / down adjustment. This is fixed once you have built the unit but does allow you to adjust it to suit your setup and needs - It also allows you to consider airflow, or least being able to ensure it's good.
The juice sits outside of the centre wicking column, and is drawn into the wicking chamber via a combination of gravity and pressure difference within the central chamber.
The mouth piece / drip tip is integral to the design and is not replaceable like some other devices.
All parts, from what I can see are replaceable and available. This device originated from http://www.vapor-freak.de/ and they seem to stock all parts you may need.
Once together, the pieces align up well with only tiny discrepancies in the joins. Most people would never notice but I am trying to be mega picky here.
I have no doubts that this will outlast many of the cheaper items available on the market and in my eyes, I consider this to be a good piece of kit in terms of build quality.

Ease of Use
Not really for the impatient type of person, I'll try to explain.
The coil is set up in such a way that it wants No-Res wire. Not a biggy but another thing to consider. It does however make the coil and the point at which it burns more consistent.
The atomizer takes some getting used to. It's similar in design to other tanks out there which use pressure to feed the wick. The drip tip is also a flow control as such, so you unscrew it to allow more juice exposure to the wick. Simples eh! Well, not so much. I originally used Ekowool which is my fave silica but found that to be a little bit unforgiving (and possible too big for the wick channels - this led to some flooding which caused bubbling.
I subsequently used 3 x Vivi Nova wicks, and it's wicking more consistently, and in not too much, and not too little. It's a learning curve and there are loads of threads out there about what's best and what is not. I think Ekowool, although able to hold a lot of juice is also able to get supersaturated and at that point it has to give way - Not a problem in something like a Igo dripper as it just falls into the well and is collected again. The flow control is great, but crack it open too much and it saturates again, so it's kind of like learning to ride a bike again. I'll get there
The 510 positive connector is adjustable, so that's meant to be a bonus and overcomes some people's issues with the positive not connecting to their mod.
So, to summarise, still learning but I tell you now, the vape is fantastic. Not clouds of vapour as such, but the same flavour as a dripper :)

Vape Quality
Spot on. The flavour and vapour from this is good, neigh on perfect. It's not plumes of vapour and little flavour, it's loads of flavour and a shedload of vapour. The extended tank on this helps to cool the vapour down as it travels up the drip tip. The drip tip is integral to the flow control, and not changeable but it's spot on. A good size and nicely finished edges.

What I like about it
I have probably covered some of this in an earlier part.
The build quality is brilliant, not only is it made from quality steel, it's threading and finish are great.
The Vape, again as covered above is spot on, like a good Dripper.
The tank (extended in this case) allows you to continue enjoying this Vape for a long time.
There are various wick options on this, 8 noted ones I think, so loads of time to play with it and get to appreciate how it works too :)

What I don't like about it
This is really down to user error, and education as such. The setup isn't for the feint hearted. It's brilliant when it's flowing well and all good but if you do a 'james' and get a little optimistic about opening up the flow control then it drips out of the bottom which is also the air hole. The way to resolve this is to shut down the flow control, and blow out the excess. It takes a short while and practise makes perfect. Consider this as a V8, treat it with respect and it purrs away, effortlessly generating a lovely vape. Take the piss and it tells you about it.
The lower section of the tank is small, so much better with it, however I mention it's small because it's too small to get a syringe down there so if you wish to drain the tank then it's best to drain what you can, then tip the rest out.
That's all really. Build quality is brilliant, and vaping is nice. Just a hurdle or two to get over.












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It's a good size considering I put about 4-5ml of juice in there and still had room left.
I have been giving this some serious eyeball lately. I just wish sellers would give diameter sizes. I'm getting mod ocd.
I would have thought so. Just checked next to a Carto tank, and same size with drip tip on.
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