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Need recommendation for a beginner friendly RTA...

I watched a couple of videos on the Area 2. Looks fairly straightforward to coil and wick.

Are RTA's more prone to leaking than drop in coil tanks?

Not nessesarily, some stock coil tanks are leaky as hell... and some RTA's never leak (in my experience anyway) I guess there's more potential to mess up when you are coiling and wicking it yourself.
Are RTA's more prone to leaking than drop in coil tanks?
Usually not, some of them are more forgiving even if you wick it badly. But no.

However, if leaking is something that worries you, you can choose a top airflow RTA like the new Augvape Intake MTL RTA (AFAIK, its non MTL brothers are very good)
How about the new aspire noname 9th tank
Which will give you the option of RBA deck or Stock coil
if you find making coils to hard.
Ares 2 seems a popular one for beginners not the best for flavour it's just a good all round.

The Glaz mini is a doodle to wick and vape and great little atty
I watched a couple of videos on the Area 2. Looks fairly straightforward to coil and wick.

Are RTA's more prone to leaking than drop in coil tanks?

Once you get your wicking down they are great and won't leak, just like DL if they aren't wicked right they will give you problems, MTL builds are generally easier than DL.
For MTL? The Ares 2 is a good place to start, it's nice and easy to build on and they include just about everything you will need to get started. The LE looks better than the standard version imo.
I have to agree on the Ares 2 and Ares 2 LE. I have been using both of them and to be honest, I can't tell the difference between them. Good luck on changing your tank and let us know what you decide on.
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