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Nemesis Help with Kick


Mar 23, 2014
got a nemesis clone and everything works great so bought a kick to see if its any better. Kick arrived today so set it up and its not firing. got a 18650 with kick ring on. Any suggestions please? Havent got any lower sized batteries to test if it works on 18500/18350.
Have you got a multi meter you could test it with ? If it's not firing the atty then something is either not connecting or there's an issue with the kick. You need to find out if there is continuation through the kick.
The only time I have had that problem is if the kick is not making the connection with the battery and the top of the mod and the tube of the mod. But I have never had this issue with my Nemi clone. Do you have another mod to try it on to make sure that the kick is working?
havent got a multimeter or another mod (waiting for m16 brass to arrive). Everything fits snug in the nemi with no rattle but it doesnt seem to fire at all thinking its not conencting as well :(
daft question but has to be asked.....you got the adjustment screw on the kick facing the top cap?....and your battery positive side up?....apologies but have to ask :)
Yeah had them facing right way. Tried putting my other tanks on there now they've dried and they dont screw down flush about 1-2mm gap but they fire however when the kayfun is on it it doesnt fire. so it works but not with my kayfun and not flush. Could be the ohms in my kayfun now that i think about it. Talk about a brain fart.
Sounds like it's the nemmy top pin needs adjusting each atty & then pop the kick back in all the way up. Sounds like ! Couldn't be much else.
if i adjust the pin for the kayfun the base didnt screw on to the rest as the kick is there. its as if i need a bigger kick extension.
Is there a screw in the center of the base of your Kayfun? try bringing that out a bit, make sure your Nemesis top pin is making contact with the Kayfun.
its making contact the problem is that i cant make it shorter any more than it already is and its still not flush. By the look of it the king extension i had with it is too small.
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