Ethelking to mention and #ethelkingtinmods to hash tag
@Ethelking to mention and #ethelkingtinmods to hash tag
@Markfletcher007. Thankyou for your kind words. The man flu is RAGING! I'm sneezing and EVERYTHING mate. It's not looking too hopeful. It's all I can do to use this straw attached to my forehead to tap a reply... whilst eating a bacon sarnie! :26:
I'm trying Mark, I'm trying. But I fear it could be a losing battle mate...
Hang in there #prayforethelking
So if I do this... @carto ...then every post from now on that includes the term carto will be tagged ?
or [URL=http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=carto]#carto [/URL] rather...see, I couldn`t even get it right the first time ! :numbness: